purple wreck pics

Fatty McDoobs

Well-Known Member
Yes I'm very happy with her! I wish I had some pollen to breed her with the White Widow! Pipe dreams for now. But I can wish. With the right phenos purple widow might be pretty nice.

Fatty McDoobs

Well-Known Member
In your opinio raiderman what pheno do you think my Purple Wreck is? She's been LST'd Topped and Super Cropped. If I hadn't she would be about 17 18 inches tall. She's about 12 13 inches tall now in week 7 of veg.

Here's a pic of her from yesterday....I'm thinking more the Train Wreck pheno. Bu don't that pheno get a lil purple tint to it as well? Thanks man! Oh and what were your yields like? How many watts? Thanks! P.L.U.R.!



Well-Known Member
hard to tell yet could be trainwreck mostly but color and ripening come at the end,no matter which train wrecks nuthin pretty,lol.

Fatty McDoobs

Well-Known Member
Damn looks good to me! So then that's the more train wreck pheno correct? I tought maybe there might be a way to tell from leaf shape but the phenos are all kinda the same in leaf shape... thanks bro!!