Purple stems?


Active Member
I saw a pic of a harvest two plants had green stems one had purple. Whats the difference and which is bad if bad at all?


Well-Known Member
I've had a few plants start out with purple stems, but they all grew out of it. I think it just depends on the strain and climate. Too much heat and humidity can turn a stem purple, and particular strains just have purple stems. Go figure......


Active Member
Well I live in The south of the US. lots of heat and LOTS of humidity so that does answer why there purple. the thing is if purple leads to root rot how can you fix it?


Active Member
ya i live in the south too

when i got root rot the center of the stock started turning a dark purple.

i fixed this by watering less and also i noticed that my soil was not breathing good. fixed by mixing with perlite and tranplanting into the mixed soil. i would start watering every other day. use your finger to feel how moist it is 2-3 inches down. if its moist about 2-3 inches down your fine if dry then water.

post a pic


Well-Known Member
Stems go purple on non-purple strains because of lower temperatures, NOT high heat and humidity. Has something to do with the pigments and chlorophyll production. So purple stems aren't bad per se, but if the plant gets too cold (below 60) then it will show purple. If the plant is too cold, that can stunt growth though. Hope this helps. Peace.


Well-Known Member
Hey man.. im sure that there are diferent reosons for it.. genetics seems liek it would affect.... check out my scrog grow and my touch with the purple stems.... in my case i learned of a state called lock out... The damn thing didnt grow for 4 weeks.... some poeple seems to have different experiences... I found that my clones were taken from a plant that was in this stage... No problem i guess cause as you see in my thread some other guy does this on purpose.... if your purple stems is at the end of the plant life and it gre big and bad ass.. then its just genetics..... if you see problems int he growth pattern or leaf color etc... then check out the remedies.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Purple stems. i had two like that, they were fine though, just looked amazing and smoked just the same. no worries.


New Member
some purple is a deficiency of one of the minor nutes. If i remeber i will post. Not all purple though. I have branches that are light purple and turn out fine.


Well-Known Member
some purple is a deficiency of one of the minor nutes. If i remeber i will post. Not all purple though. I have branches that are light purple and turn out fine.

exactly, It's a nitrogen deficiency or something like that. something is lacking or either it's your strain. For my plant she's a purple strain and has nitrogen defieciency so a bunch of my stems are purple. check out my "how many days till harvest?" thread. you can see the purple stems and green stems on one plant.


Well-Known Member
most of my fan leaves have purple stems, but the new stem and main staulk is green..?????? im not really worried about, we'll see what happens.


Well-Known Member
not nitro that causes yellowing it was......eyeneye cant remember now but it should be in the faq's as ii would say.....ii had an all purple plant from seed awile back it was fine grew like a krazy fox inna ox's suite ...lol