Purple Pistils.. anybody had similar strains to this before?

Porky B

Well-Known Member
I have a strain called ATF that gets slightly pink hairs in the early flower stage. I crossed it with a Space Bomb plant that I had. The Space bomb had pure white hairs but the new cross has more color then ever. :confused:

I know the color of the hairs don't mean shit. Most hairs turn brown in the end anyway! :mrgreen:

But I like it!

Took these two pics yesterday.

Oh yeah....

As long as we a playing guess that bug...

This is my submission.

Keep em coming everyone.

Show your colors/and or bug.



Active Member
View attachment 1761292My guard spider like to eat them!
Gnarly pic man, that spider is doing work, and for my 2 cents its a leaf hopper bug, i have tons of them in my woods nothing seems to get them off the leaves even the ff foliar bug spray i got, but also on a side note i have seen at least 1 of these bugs on each plant everytime i go check mine and i havent had any leaf damage from this bug as far as i can tell, i think they just like hiding in the buds and under the leaves...........


Active Member
omg, i got one just like that only more purple. ill upload pics tomorrow.
If you're getting purple blotches on your leaves, like in loblogh's pic, that's usually due to a deficiency. I want to say copper but it's been awhile.

If your plant is getting purple buds and leaves, the leaves should be completely purple or be purple at the base working its way out to the tips. But either way the color should flow, not be blotchy. Just a heads up guys..


Well-Known Member
The leaf hoppers don't do too much damage, because they are stoned all of the time. mostly too stoned to fly, they are decent fliers and every time I see them, they try to crawl away from me, and hide on the other side of the stem (literally running in circles) and they are easy to kill. if you notice small, barely noticeable spots on your leaves, that is from leafhoppers. Look at the underside of the leaves. It may look like someone took a needle or something small, and poked a lot of tiny holes in your leaves, you can't see these from the top to easily.
The plant in the first pic looks a lot like my afghan/hindu. I have 4 left, and only 1 of them isn't turning purple/pinkish. does yours smell any different? My purplest AHK is smelling like grapes and plums
Hey guys I'm reading about the purple pistils. I have had my 1st experience with purple all over the buds this year on one of my outdoors plant. I can promise it IS NOT due to cold lol. I live in Mississippi where its 100 and damnit all summer with even worse humidity. I believe it's a type of strain but mine is as pretty and healthy as my others, just purple. Can't wait to taste her