Purple Buds - Anthocyanin production and Chlorophyll degradation

Closet Grow

Active Member
I am currently growing a few cannabis pants from bag seed that came with some form of purple kush. I am veging until 6 th set of true leaves than 24 hour dark period and flower. I am trying to make purple buds of these plants, and am not sure how to produce them and have not seen any substantial information on how to do so. I know anthocyanin is the second most common pigment in cannabis (followed of course by chlorophyll) and changes in color from red yellow and purple based on pH. In pants anthocyanin is present in the surfaces of almost all parts of the plant, in leaves it serves several purposes and shows with the degradation of chlorophyll in autumn (that's what causes the fall colors). In flowers it's used to attract pollinating insects and other animals. So inducing normal chlorophyll degradation may not effect the bud color or effect the lead and bud color, which would of course be negative to my purpose. So um, help?


Well-Known Member
if u want purple buds, drop the temps...LOW AS HELL!!! that brings out the purple in the strain. my out door night shade that was flowered late got down to 45 degrees at night and she purpled up like crazy.