Purging time opinions


New Member
Hey guys just curious what you would consider "safe" or "smokable" amount of purging on your bho. Obviously each set up is different and can purging more or less effectively than others but I'm talking just basic setups nothin crazy. Just ran a batch and was purging for 2 hours and took out .5 of the 11gs (54g blast). Wasn't quite a shatter more of a sap with a snap. Tasted good no sizzle but usually purge for 12+hours. What's your guys' opinion?


Well-Known Member
I've been purging at 115 deg in a vac chamber until it stops 'dancing'. I stick it to itself, keep doing that until it stops. Usually takes 2-3 flips and vac purge under heat for ~30 min each time. I would think that time would vary with ammt. and viscosity.