Puff Puff Pass!!!

Jamaican Mon'

Well-Known Member
Just got done with work and about to fire up some diesel i got. Not bad, but not one of my favorites. Has a good taste and smells even better, I rate it a 6. Lets hear a shout out from all u fellow smokers, what u got, beat a 6.


Well-Known Member
i just posted this picture

this look better than yours? not sure exactly what it is, but am paying 35 a gram

Jamaican Mon'

Well-Known Member
Damn i wish i could trade, looks alot better than the diesel but i payed $3400 I have a purple vegin hope it comes close to that


Well-Known Member
$35 a gram isnt bad...i didnt think at least so far ive smoked one bowl of this and am well stoned

Jamaican Mon'

Well-Known Member
Every once in awhile friends have offered some 25 a g stuff but it never looks that good 35 is way to steep for me i know some better people than that

Jamaican Mon'

Well-Known Member
What kind of high to you get that stuff. This diesel gets me super slow and lazy, which im not a big fan of i like a uplifting more up beat social high.


Well-Known Member
the most you shud ever have to pay is 20 a gram... and thats if your buying some fucking hemi in small quantities


Well-Known Member
I've never paid more than $10 a gram here in canada and apparently we have some good weed compared to the rest of y'all....although I have heard about this shit never had the chance to smoke something that was "branded"...anyone claiming they've got white rhin or something is full of shit...dno't get me wrong,some good buds here but $20 a gram seems ridicolous...$90 for 14 Grams of GOOD SMOKE.