psychosis clone indoor 250 hps

Hi managed to get my hands on a psychosis clone! so I'm pleased as punch :lol: have it under a 125 cfl for vegging just now, it's about 2 weeks since i got it and I'm just giving water at the moment.I'll be moving onto canna nutes soon though

i'll be vegging it for about another 4 weeks. Then moving it under a 250w hps to flower, i plan on a small scrog with it but i'll just have to wait and see how i am for space and time.

I'll be updating this weekly, So let me know what you think ;-)

yeah gonna have too lol seen a few of these full size and they grow off in random directions but it's some tastey stuff thats why i wanna scrog it use the screen as support :lol: thanks though.
sweettooth auto 1 001.jpgsweettooth auto 1 002.jpg New pics! I tied the biggest branch down to give the other a chance, Still just on water and seem to be doing nicely, if anyone has any advice on the strain I'd be greatful :?: