pruning to increase production

Miss Greenthumb

Active Member
Hi, I've read about pruning to increase production. My question is what is the best method and how soon can/should I start (I'm almost a month into veg and my plants are about 8 inches tall with several node sites).




Active Member
for now, do not do ANY clipping, the plant is doing very well, but it is in a fragile state untill it gets a little bit larger. Once the plant is about 2 1/2 feet tall, take a rope and tie it down, read about clipping your plant so you have several colas. I have clipped mine + tied them down and very very happy with the results. So far im looking at a couple of ounces per plant


Well-Known Member
This is my baby at 27 days old still veggin. i mite prune some of mine off cuz theres gettin to be so many that sum are not gettin any light. it seems like you really dont have enough leaves on your yet to start pruning in my opinion i would wait till she fills out more

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Active Member
There is absolutely no reason to prune while the plant is still in veg. You will only stress it by doing this. Your vegging it to GROW, not to cut off its growth. Topping/Fimming is a whole diff subject, but pruning is a big no-no. The plant needs those leaves for photosynthesis.

SOME ppl prune when the plant goes into flowering.. allowing light to reach lower bud sites.

Personally, I wait until I'm at least 3 weeks into flowering, then I'll help the plant get rid of some of the lower leaves that are obviously not being used very much by that time (yellowing/dying etc...)


Well-Known Member
I am only topping, not fimming. I believe this is what you are trying to achieve...not sure though. I would NOT recommend pruning anything right now, however, if you are looking to get 2 colas instead of 1, I would top...
that was a great article sunnyside...thanks. how many times can you top one plant? And can you "top" the side stems?

Miss Greenthumb

Active Member
i'm not looking to prune, just top - i guess i used the wrong terminology. Here's the thing...topping just creates two colas whereas i've seen plants that have 8 or 10. How is that achieved?


Well-Known Member
That is done with fimming. I have not done this yet. I have topped, never through that link I gave you, it will explain fimming to you. I do like topping though.:mrgreen:bongsmilie:peace:
i'm not looking to prune, just top - i guess i used the wrong terminology. Here's the thing...topping just creates two colas whereas i've seen plants that have 8 or 10. How is that achieved?


Well-Known Member
i'm not looking to prune, just top - i guess i used the wrong terminology. Here's the thing...topping just creates two colas whereas i've seen plants that have 8 or 10. How is that achieved?

Look into SOG (Sea of Green). Thats basically doing multiple topping and then setting up a screen. The plant will try to grow through the screen, but you bend the shoots back under it, leaving bud sites under open wholes in the screen.
The result will be a boatload of "top" colas.


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt remove or trimm anything,except maybe a week before flowering take off all the bottom branches and shit that will be popcorn nugs.let it focus on fattening up the mad buds


Active Member
so wait can i just cut of some fan leaves so the light can get to the bottom of the plant to or is that a stupid idea. i mean i have topped my plant allready it's almost at 3 feet not. and i do my cuttings in the early morning so the plant can have a full day of sun to recooperate. but please help on the trimming of fan leaves. and thank you


Well-Known Member
so wait can i just cut of some fan leaves so the light can get to the bottom of the plant to or is that a stupid idea. i mean i have topped my plant allready it's almost at 3 feet not. and i do my cuttings in the early morning so the plant can have a full day of sun to recooperate. but please help on the trimming of fan leaves. and thank you
dont cut fan leaves off.. they are what absorb the light used for growth.. when you cut them off the plant has to focud energy that could be spent growing new growth on regrowing the growth you just cut off... plus if you are outdoors there is NO WAY possible your plant is not getting enough light... your really just taking a step backwards... your plant will be fine... light is energy and is able to penetrate into the plant whether we see it or not.. just because we cant ''see'' the light that is getting to the bottom of the plant doesnt mean its not getting there.. plants "see" light very differently than we do.. trust your plant is more than fine without being trimmed outside... and if your really worried about it start tieing branches down.. tie some string to the branches, seperate them gently, and stake the string into the ground to hold the branches in place...


Well-Known Member
Look into SOG (Sea of Green). Thats basically doing multiple topping and then setting up a screen. The plant will try to grow through the screen, but you bend the shoots back under it, leaving bud sites under open wholes in the screen.
The result will be a boatload of "top" colas.
What you are refering to is ScrOG, or Screen of Green. SOG is many small plants packed in tight. SOG can handle as many as 4 plants per sq foot. This is done so that all of the plants energy is focused on growing only the top cola.

Those plants are ready to be topped. Cut them just above the second or third node from the bottom and two branches will grow out from there. This can be done again when those branches have 4-5 nodes. I did this to get very bushy plants so that I will have plenty of material for cloning. The growth will be slow for a few days to a week after topping but the plants bounce back just fine. Plus it makes for thicker healthier stems which are ideal for cloning. Also you can take the tops you cut and clone them too.


Active Member
oh shit man thanks. this is my first grow and i have 4 plants going i made alot of rooking mistakes but i am learning quickly. my plants is already at 6 top's and healthy as shit. i would place pictures... but my fucking camera broke (ain't that some s#*$). but from where i cut the leaves off they have regrown all their leave their now i'm just going to leave it ALONE. plus i'm leaving town to go pick up a zip of some kush in my hometown. so my friend is just going to water and watch.


Well-Known Member
just remember its not the bud sites that take in the light its the leaves,the leaves getting lights make the buds fatter,i would take off the bottom stuff about a week before flowering,maybe 1 more time after the stretch is done,,top of fim in veg,,,:p

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Hi, I've read about pruning to increase production. My question is what is the best method and how soon can/should I start (I'm almost a month into veg and my plants are about 8 inches tall with several node sites).

I bet you're confused by all the different opinions here?

You can top FIMM or LST at any time. I've FIMMed and LSTed much smaller plants with great success. See my grow for the results - linked in my sig

I would FIMM because you get similar results as LST, but it's easier. You can always LST the multiple tops later if you want.

The only reason pruning is going to increase production is because you're light only has so much penetration, and by pruning you can keep the plant within your lights capability. In other words if you let a plant grow 6' tall and you're using a 250W light, only the top 18" of the plant is going to produce good bud. If you train the plant sideways keeping the plant height under 2" you can still grow a 6" plant, but now you have 10 times as many productive bud sites.