proxy server


Well-Known Member
Has anyone here ever set up a proxy server? I have been trying to set one up for the last few days using different methods i read about online but failed miserably. everytime i would do it i would get a message like "connection refused". do any of you guys know how to solve this? here it the last method that i used. I can post pics and stuff if you guys need info about my pc. also if you have another easier way to set one up please share


i dont know much about setting up a proxy but it seems like using the program tor would be good for you.


Well-Known Member
isnt tor an addon for firefox? if it is what i think it is, that tool connects to proxy servers, i want to make a server


torbutton is a firefox addon that quickly turns on and off the proxy and tor is an executable file that runs on the computer

sorry if that doesnt help

why do you want to make a server anyways?


Well-Known Member
for work, get around the filters that they have, that block everything (including most proxies) and i think it would just be cool to be able to do it