Protest DEA raids on legal gardens in S. Oreg. and nationwide crackdown on med mariju


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Protest DEA raids on legal gardens in S. Oreg. and nationwide crackdown on med marijuana

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011 12:24 AM

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Protest the DEA raids on legal gardens in southern Oregon and the
crackdown on medical marijuana nationwide

The Obama administration is going back on their promise to leave medical
marijuana alone. The feds have dramatically escalated the number of
raids on gardens that are legal under state law and on providers. They
are going after landlords, making it hard for legitimate marijuana
businesses to have bank accounts and even trying to prevent medical
marijuana patients from owning guns. Please help us protest this insane
federal policy! A recent Gallup poll shows that a majority of Americans
now favor legalizing marijuana – so why is Obama going backwards? We
don’t know, but it is time to protest loudly and clearly.

When: Noon, Wednesday October 19, 2011
Where: Starting at 332 W. 6th St. Medford, Or.

Please come to the protest and bring your friends and family.

If you can’t make it Wednesday there are lots of other effective ways to
have your voice be heard. I am forwarding the following list of actions
you can take from Americans for Safe Access. Please get active and stay
tuned for more updates.

John Sajo
Director, Voter Power

Here’s the news from ASA:

Dear ASA Members and Friends,

The federal government has launched a major new attack on medical
cannabis patients and providers, and Americans for Safe Access (ASA)
is calling on you to fight back. The Drug Enforcement Administration
is raiding cultivators and providers. The Department of Justice (DOJ)
is threatening to prosecute property owners who rent to medical cannabis
tenants - and to confiscate their property! The Internal Revenue
Service is auditing patients' associations, and under federal
pressure, banks are denying services. Even the Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives is trying to deny patients their
Second Amendment rights.

Things look bad, but we know that grassroots power can make a
difference. ASA is responding to the federal escalation with a
campaign to put political pressure on the DOJ, reframe the public
dialogue about medical cannabis, and fight back in court. We are also
gearing up to support local organizers who are fighting state and local
efforts to roll back safe access in their communities. You can be a
part of this campaign right now. Here are five things every patient and
advocate can do to fight back:

1. Call or email your Representative in the US House of
Representatives to support and cosponsor Barney Frank's (D-MA) HR
1983. This bill will reschedule cannabis under federal law and protect
patients and providers in states where medical cannabis is already

2. Email President Obama and ask him to stop the federal attacks
on medical cannabis. The President must live up to the promises he
made of a more enlightened federal policy.

3. Sign the petition to the White House to help show overwhelming
public support for medical cannabis and opposition to the federal

4. Speak up in the media. Write a letter to the editor of your local
newspaper, call into a radio or internet talk show, or post comments
to stories online. Use ASA's Advocates Training Center to get ready.

5. Organize or attend a peaceful protest against the federal
crackdown in your community. If the President is visiting your hometown
as part of his re-election campaign, consider timing your event to
coincide with his visit. Use ASA's Advocates Training Center to learn
more about organizing and promoting public events. Keep an eye on your
inbox for more messages about how you can help stop the federal attack
on safe access. We have stopped federal escalations before, and with your
participation, we can do it again!

There is one more thing you can do to help today. Please make a
contribution to help support ASA's work to end the federal crackdown.
Your one-time or recurring donation will help us put political pressure on
the DOJ, mount a proactive media campaign, and fight back in court.

Thank you for taking action,
Steph Sherer,
Executive Director ASA

P.S. - Read ASA's press release


Well-Known Member
ya it is BS what the feds are doing, but they are only busting huge grows that the growers should have known better not to grow so much. who the fuck thinks they can grow 438 plants with out being bothered? i feel bad for every one who was raided but i feel like they could have and should have avoided it by staying below the 99 plants.
the paper had a quote from the busted grower saying " well if we learned one thing from the feds this year it is to stay under 99 plants".
well no shit right.
again i feel bad for them and wish it upon no one and it sucks it did happen but they just got what they asked for really.


New Member
ya it is BS what the feds are doing, but they are only busting huge grows that the growers should have known better not to grow so much. who the fuck thinks they can grow 438 plants with out being bothered? i feel bad for every one who was raided but i feel like they could have and should have avoided it by staying below the 99 plants.
the paper had a quote from the busted grower saying " well if we learned one thing from the feds this year it is to stay under 99 plants".
well no shit right.
again i feel bad for them and wish it upon no one and it sucks it did happen but they just got what they asked for really.
I agree, McPurp. That many plants is just asking for it. I would go and protest if I lived down there, just to make a statement that it is not right, regardless of the law.

My problem is this.......the feds go in after all of these patients have waited 5-6 months for meds, and take away A YEAR's worth of meds for all of the patients of this grow. Sure, the growers got busted, but these legal medicinal patients should have a right to their agreed upon meds.......and they got taken away. I think there ought to be different rules for how they take down a medical marijuana farm, as opposed to an outright illegal farm. If they would chop the plants halfway through summer, at least the patients would have time to get an indoor thing going....just sayin.


Well-Known Member
their was a protest wednsday in medford i was supposed to go to but i had to work.
and yes i to feel bad for the patients, the feds should give them theri meds.
and i hate how they wait till right before harvest to come get them. all the feds do is turn around and make a profit off of the meds.
