producing CO2


so how do you guys go about producing you CO2 .. i assume alot of you go and buy a small C02 tank but i know that vinigar and baking soda makes CO2 as a Bi-product of its reaction .... or is that a bad idea?


Active Member
I can't afford a CO2 generator, so what I do is to position beer cans with their tops cut off, half full of hot water, sround the stems of my plants, and then add pieces of dry ice. This will fill my grow room with fog to about three feet thick, which engulfs most of my plants. I do this about once a week. Can't say for sure that it works, but my plants get exposure to massive doses of CO2, and this is relatively cheap to do.


Active Member
there's also these:

get one of these and test your area's CO2 levels. - you might want to invest in some replacement tubes as you might find yourself changing the CO2 deployment and will need new glass vials. I think they are $5 for 2 of them. They aren't nearly as accurate as the digital CO2 meters, but this is at least 100-200ppm within accuracy I would think. Normal CO2 levels in air indoors, is about 300ppm. To achieve maximum beneficial CO2 level you want around 1400-1500ppm. Maybe a tad higher. The amount of CO2 that you give them (and only during light. you know this part right? plants dont utilize CO2 during the dark hours, at least not specific in bloom) will depend on the size of your space.


Well-Known Member
I've heard of people keeping pets in the growing room but separated from the plants like by cage or fence or something in order to have an ongoing oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange


Well-Known Member
The Vinegar and Baking Soda idea has been used before. I read in Jorge book that it is not so great unless you have some timing system attached to it to release the vinegar every certain amount of minutes. I read that the problem is that CO2 is released in erratic level and takes a while to build up. But the reason for a timer is because once it reaches a max CO2 level in the room, the vinegar won't stop and it will continue to rise! Other small (cheap) ways to make CO2 is the ferminatation, which is only good for small rooms. There is also CO2 releases pucks you put into water which i heard were pretty good, and cheap. Dry was good to but the problem is it is expensive to get and melts fairly quickly (even with insolation). CO2 tanks are good, but very expensive. CO2 propane genorators are great but produce heat (they are still great for big rooms though!)


Well-Known Member
Hmm the buckets look like an easy fix for someone as lazy as me. Is it possible to give marijuana too much CO2? Does the plant need anything besides CO2 in the air during light hours?
And yeah what would you do with this bucket during dark hours though? While this bucket is an easy fix that could last a whole grow, in the long run it would probably be better to buy a tank system and just refill it when needed