problems with canna coco nutients

hello fellow stoners,ok i recently switched over to canna coco ab rhizo/canazyme/ i was using the nutrifield line and never had any problems the only reason i switched was beacuse the canna stuff was alot cleaner in my tank/hoses /pumps etc. so now i week into flower im having some deficencies iv done some research and im thinking cal mag or iron they were all nice and green in veg as soon as i started flower and they started to stretch all the new growth was yellow/white looking and crinkled leaves the new growth takes a long time to get green my ec was 1.6 ph 6 until 5 days ago started getting this def since iv added cal mag and up the ec to 2.0 they have green up a bit but not what im used to with nutrifeild they seem to be hungry but some of the older growth is deep green can some opinons plz. ec 2.0 ph 5.8 run off if 1.4 to 1.6 ph run off 6.0 to 6.3 also this pic was taking while thay were sleepng so they droopy.


Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
throw 25 mls of silica blast in PHed water once or twice a week it takes time convert to a monosilicic acid so you dont need any in flower but it will perk up a lot i only use it once a week on a off feed watering day
thanks for help guys realy apprecated i have a bottle of dutch master silca so i might chuck some in was it 25mls per lt or gal
i just feed with the canna line and cal mag + silca ph 6 ec 2.1 and the run off was 1.7 does this mean i should up my ec?

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
i dont use any run off ever . . . . . . .just add sea green 1ml a gallon . . . . . . .no need to throw away expensive canna nutrients

but thats what works for me . . .. . .i never once flush my plants in the 4-6 months they are with me . . .. . unless there is a issue which there rarely is with my medium

i did a ebb and flow table once with coco(i wouldnt recommend, it was messy) . . .. . changed the rez once a week . . . . . . and PHed it to stay in proper PH zone . . . .

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
hand water is the way to go

best thing you can give you plants is your shadow

look up sea green you will like it even it you still want to do run off . . . . also is a slight PH down good for canna . .. . mine without anything other then the canna line PH's to 6.2 after seetling

so sea green does multiple things for me


Active Member
Dude just run the NF coco A andB
it has enough elements to get you all the way through. just increase your ec and for finishing use crystalic and pk heavy for finishing

or use the whole line up and hand water


Well-Known Member
Start using cal mag or equivalent.

If growing in coco I always run base nutes, cal mag and some kind of silicon product.