Problems uploading pics on mobile


Well-Known Member
Hey RU,

Anyone else have problems uploading pics on mobile iOS? This has been a problem since I've been using the site just never posted about it. I only use RU on my phone, never anywhere else. On average it takes 3-4 attempts to upload a pic. I've had to try so many times I just give up and try later for some posts. It normally just sits on the upload screen for forever, unless I cancel and try again. Doesn't seem to make a difference if I'm on my wifi or LTE.



Well-Known Member
hmmm. on my old comp, I could never upload on chrome, but could on firefox. With my new comp I can do it on any browser now. I went threw all the settings and blah dice . Maybe try firefox


Well-Known Member
Yea, I am sure it would work fine on my PC. I just never use it anymore. Plus it keeps me stuck at the desk too. My only laptop right now is for work, and yea, can't go on this site on there. Lol.