Problems corrected w/ plant food spray to the leaves??


Active Member
So my plants have been growing now for exactly 3 weeks to the day and over the past week or more they have pretty much stopped growing, leaves have lightened in color and they all kind of drooped a bit. Not to mention my spider mite problem.

So I read a post on here (cant find it now) that mentioned feeding the plants through the leaves. So I thought what the hell and put some plant food in a spray bottle, diluted it and sprayed all of them last night.

Well I woke up to all of the plants looking great, all of the leaves went from sagging to not only pointing straight out, but even angling up a bit. And im not sure what these leaves are called but the little ones on the very top center that are very thin and pointy (around a half inch long) are literally pointing straight up.

I have no idea what my problem is/was but this seemed to drastically help.. Only thing now is to figure out my issue and also find out how often to spray the leaves. Any help/ideas welcome.. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
If it was my post you read ( then I would suggest just spraying them when they start to show problems again. Once a day would probably be good as well. Too much and you might risk burning the leaves or clogging up the air intake. I think spraying plain water 1 of the 7 days may be good to help clean up any nutrient-lockup that might happen(dont think it would if you're using very diluted amounts but you never know)

Also as i said... using organic fertilizers probably isn't a good idea(the least of which because some organic nutrients need to be broken down by microbes in the soil/on the roots)


Well-Known Member
I sprayed my plants like 8 times the first day i tried it because it started to show results within a few hours... they recovered well and i dont think it had any side-effects such as nutrient-lockup but i would rather not take the risk. I also sprayed like 8 times that day on a perfectly healthy plant(maybe a pinch of yellowing on the leaf tips) and it didn't show any negative results. Glad to hear the foliar-feeding to help fix problems is working well for someone else too.


Active Member
Redeflect, My plants are green and beautiful, but at night the leaves sag... why is this? Too much or too little watering is what I was guessing.. Although I have a tester for the moistness of the soil and it says its adequate. Should I be misting them daily to the leaves?
And one more question if you don't mind... Should I take this miracle grow advice and put that (diluted) into my mist for the leaves? I just want them to be HAPPY :)
Thanks <3
I'm using general hydroponics 3 stage, is this what I use to spray them? Do I dilute it? Is it ok to spray when flowering? I'm on day 47 of flowering on my first bubbleponics grow. Thanks, so glad I found this site!!