Problem transplanting?


Well-Known Member
Are these seedlings too close together? Is there going to be a problem getting them apart when it comes time to transplant? I don't know if moving them this early will kill them.. Theyre in some pretty bad soil right now, some old outside pot dirt, and growth is really slow


Well-Known Member
longer u wait tuffer it will become take knife go out2=3 inchs around plant scoop out ball of roots an soil do not try to pull or lift from plant


Well-Known Member
Should they go into big pots this early or just into plastic cups? Sorry for all the questions - major noob here


Well-Known Member
Its been 4 days since they were transplanted into solo cups. The two seedlings with the biggest leaves are drooping and some are showing some yellowing on just the tips or the whole leaf. Another one is showing some dark red coloration on half the leaf. One plant looks like it's done for, but I think I touched it with the light bulb for a second, or left some water droplets on it, and it got burned. Overall I would say the most of them still look healthy. Could the yellowing be from the transplanting or could it be from nutrient deficiency since the soil used was old used up miracle grow mixed with cheap soil from walmart??


Well-Known Member
They will be fine,but if possible use a pot for each seedling.Go with the square pots they are far better for getting the plants closer together under low intense lighting .