Problem, 10 plants, 1k, not sure?

well i may have found my problem... my ph pen was way off and it wouldnt calibrate correctly so i got a new one, and have my fingers crossed!


Well-Known Member
I think you have a salt build up.. Have you tried giving it a mild flush? and have you flushed at all??? it's good to flush once and a while to get the excess salts out...


heat/light stress..
thats what im thinkin due to my f'ed ph pen, my next watering will be tomorrow so finally i can get an accurate ph reading from my runoff. that should be very helpful in diagnosis.

do you have to flush to fix a lockout or am i fine as long as my runoff's ph is ~6.5?
I think you have a salt build up.. Have you tried giving it a mild flush? and have you flushed at all??? it's good to flush once and a while to get the excess salts out...


heat/light stress..
not yet, im prolly gonna do a semi flush when i water tomorrow, because im almost certain my problems began with a lockout by my faulty ph pen then i got nute burn by trying to correct a P/Mg def... so i plan on watering with plain tap until my runoff is around 6.5, and then hold off of nutes til at least my next watering and i'll measure the TDS of my runoff to determine if i think i need nutes for next watering or not. i'll know more when i can get my runoff's ph tomorrow, i think its the first time ive ever hoped my ph is off lol, but it should be a good indicator. thanks +rep


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking that maybe 1000 PPM worth of fert might be too much at one time. I've only used two kinds of ferts so far, which were MiracleGro and Dynagro. When I mixed the MG, it measured at around 750 PPM at full strength,(recommended once every 7-14 days) and the Dynagro measures at 150 PPM at full strength.(recommended every watering) I'm just making an observation, wondering if that "1000 PPM" is the recommended dose for hydro, not soil? It just seems strange to me that they'd be showing deficiencies at that concentration, unless it's causing nutelock from salt buildup, PH being off, etc.....Did you check it out with your new meter yet?
no but thats what im thinkin too, i should be watering tomorrow but at the latest Thursday and I can't wait to see if that is my problem, I hate seein my ladies look sad. I'll post the results of my next watering input and runoff. thanks jaw
Alrighty guys, today I watered and hopefully this will give us an idea of whats goin on.
My input water was a mild solution of advanced nutrients ferts and my input TDS measured at 500 ppm and my input ph was 6.6. My runoff measured in at 1700+ and ph of 6.4-6.5... Is it safe to assume that I've got nute burn? and can nute burn be responsible for deficiencies? After checkin my runoff and seeing it that high I semi flushed each 3 gallon pot with a gallon of water only with h202 added to help prevent oxygen deprevation. After semi-flushing my runoff's ph still measured at about 6.5 but my ppm was dropped to 900-1100 depending on which pot. I feel like I'm on the track to recovery but I would like to hear what the experts have to say given the new information? and do you guys think I should begin adding nute/ferts again next watering or do another straight watering?

Thanks guys for all your input and my ladies appreciate it too!


Alrighty guys, today I watered and hopefully this will give us an idea of whats goin on.
My input water was a mild solution of advanced nutrients ferts and my input TDS measured at 500 ppm and my input ph was 6.6. My runoff measured in at 1700+ and ph of 6.4-6.5... Is it safe to assume that I've got nute burn? and can nute burn be responsible for deficiencies? After checkin my runoff and seeing it that high I semi flushed each 3 gallon pot with a gallon of water only with h202 added to help prevent oxygen deprevation. After semi-flushing my runoff's ph still measured at about 6.5 but my ppm was dropped to 900-1100 depending on which pot. I feel like I'm on the track to recovery but I would like to hear what the experts have to say given the new information? and do you guys think I should begin adding nute/ferts again next watering or do another straight watering?

Thanks guys for all your input and my ladies appreciate it too!
Ah, that sucks about the pH tester. THat's something you don't exactly think about because those things are indestructible. Well, they seem like it.

I would encourage you to go with straight watering for a bit since it seems that the nutes have been giving you a bit of trouble.

It's always a heck of a lot easier to add nutes back into yoru grow than to take em out - as you've already figured out. Slow and easy this time, okay? That way, even if your pH tester goes stupid again, you can fix things without harming your overall grow.

there are some reviews on pH testers here if you end up having to find another one:

I've been checking it out lately as I'm in the market for some new things.


humble learner

Well-Known Member
It looks like nute burn. A little advice....when using advanced nutrients, my plants reacted waaaaaay better when I feed them in low doses.


Active Member
Yeah man your plants have nute burn. I've also found that nute burn and intense light on the canopy makes it worse. I don't think your ph pen really contributed much of anything to this problem, unless your starting water and nutes combined really make the ph too acidic.

I've worked with Ocean forest and it has a little nutes of it's own and along with all that advanced stuff your bases are covered. You should feed,water,water, feed. Don't feed every other time unless your nutes are a little lighter strength.

Right now if I were you back the light off to about 30 inches, they'll have plenty of light at that range especially in a 3'x4' area. Give a good flush but I realize you're in ocean forest so don't water log it. And then begin to feed half strength around 500ppm every other watering.

You should be good from there, but remember you may see more damage to the plant tissues because of the heavy salt content that is built up. Don't panic just follow course and you should be good imho. Anyone feel free to check my advise but this is what I would do