Pro-Grow 180, 4 strains, 5 plants. Stealth Grow Dresser.


New Member
you're right.. there's nothing like it. u raise em from seedling to the jar and cough out the essence of all that hard work. there's never been quality smoke i've seen better than my own. i'm sure u feel the same way as of right now. its hard to put a price tag on something like that but if ya could it'd be somewhere around $400 an ounce, lol. u just wait tho.. u're in for a treat with what's down the road. almost ready too. i used to do only 3 at a time and then one day said fuck it and bought a 600w ballast. nothing like HPS.
i was contemplating getting an LED for clones/seedlings myself. i like the blackstars the best so far. i just want one because they generate very low heat. super convenient.

BTW I bought a Nikon D3000 body on Ebay last night. Now I just need a lens. How do you like your cam?


Active Member
you're right.. there's nothing like it. u raise em from seedling to the jar and cough out the essence of all that hard work. there's never been quality smoke i've seen better than my own. i'm sure u feel the same way as of right now. its hard to put a price tag on something like that but if ya could it'd be somewhere around $400 an ounce, lol. u just wait tho.. u're in for a treat with what's down the road. almost ready too. i used to do only 3 at a time and then one day said fuck it and bought a 600w ballast. nothing like HPS.
i was contemplating getting an LED for clones/seedlings myself. i like the blackstars the best so far. i just want one because they generate very low heat. super convenient.

BTW I bought a Nikon D3000 body on Ebay last night. Now I just need a lens. How do you like your cam?
yea man for sure! there is just a certain sense of pride.. I do try and put a price on it after its all said and done to see if i at least am recovering some of what i've spent. In this case, 2 zips of the best bud around these parts would go for 400 a a zip for sure! so i'm happy with that kind of return ;0

I'm all set for the new grow and can't wait to see what its all going to look like :)

Nice purchase on the d3000! I absolutely LOVE my D40.. I bought mine used for $350 and it had stock lens and a 200mm lens as well. its like BRAND NEW and was in box.. I got some extra attachments the other day like a Macro Ring LED and Macro Extension tubes as well a Tripod so I can take some insanely close pictures! :) I tested it out last night and was able to take a macro closeup of a dollar bill to the point where you could see the fibers that the cotton paper is made from.. i wasn't able to get near that close before i got this little setup so expect some MUCH better closeups of the new grow and some good closeups of my current dried buds ;) Expect to see some AWESOME pics from you with that d3000!!


Active Member
So Here are some random pictures of how my buds look today. I smoke a bit everyday and ECSD is my favorite morning smoke. ECSD has a great combination of body and head and all around just a good happy feeling. Alphdawag is good if you want that uppity energetic high and just want to get fucked up. LOL Strawberry bubba is a heavy body high and very nice night time smoke.

As far as taste, Alphadawg is kinda Bleh.. LOL.. It's very spicy. That's the only way i can describe it.

ECSD is the best tasting bud I've ever had the pleasure of smoking. Anyone who has smoked it has commented on how good it tastes. Especially through a clean big bong.. There is no smoke flavor and green apple watermelon jolly rancher engulfs your senses.. It's truly something I did not expect..

Bubba has a great fruity flavor.. Not as strong as ECSD but great nonetheless..

East Coast Sour Diesel x C99

ESCD packed in my just cleaned, glass blunt




New Member
Good luck with the move PCN3RD. Can't wait to see the next one. I have a feeling you'll be acquiring some real dankness pretty soon.