

just wonder how private this site is? growing for 8 years mostly rockwool would like to post pics for feed back can pictures be traced back to user

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
Be sure to turn off the GPS on your camera (if it has GPS)

Can't really call this site private...some 400,000 users, so you have to make sure there is nothing in the back ground that can identify your location

welcome to RIU


Well-Known Member
When you post here... it last's forever.... If you google or bing a plant issue, the search will show you something from RIU from 2005.... With that said... take pix from a camera, that doesn't GPS stamp the picture... and if really worried, use an off site photo site... just have no personal info in the background of picture.... like envelope address of someone you are sending sheiot to... good luck man... If you are on Facebook, then what are you worried about ? Personally, I do not post pictures of MJ.... And I am not on Facebook, or have never been on FB, and I don't like anything...on F book.... Good Luck man... It's OK to be cautious.... it's not OK to be paranoid....


Active Member
As far as I know, no one's been arrested for posting pics on riu. For all the pigs know, you're growing legally and/or not in their jurisdiction. They must have more promising "real-life" leads to use. With it going legal in so many places, I don't think we have the same worries we did a few years ago.

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
I did read about a guy that got busted for growing after he posted on youtube. He shot video of his package from the seedbank with his address on it and he shot video of his closet grow with his reflection in the reflective film on the back wall.

You have to be at least a little smart about this. If you are a compleat dumb ass my suggestion would be to just sit very still and do nothing.


Well-Known Member
The internet is forever!!!! Even if you go back and delete stuff, it is still there.........Trust me when I say... By posting on any forum you can be found!!!!!!!!! IP check anyone??? I could post links to other forums where billy E-bad azz has had all of his personal info revealed including family info and many many pictures that they posted over the years. Do a search on Charlie Wenzel and you will get an idea of how it can work.

If you don't want anyone to know, Don't tell!!!!


Active Member
I doubt that they will come after you for less then 10 plants it would be a waste of there time i assume. But remember opinions are like assholes everyones got one.


Well-Known Member
I think its becoming more and more obvious that there is no such thing as anonymity on the internet anymore.

That being said, I could see them using pics/posts to build evidence on an already existing case, but I doubt these kind of forums are used as the initial conduit to legal action.


Active Member
I did read about a guy that got busted for growing after he posted on youtube. He shot video of his package from the seedbank with his address on it and he shot video of his closet grow with his reflection in the reflective film on the back wall.

You have to be at least a little smart about this. If you are a compleat dumb ass my suggestion would be to just sit very still and do nothing.
wow how freaking stupid


New Member
I did read about a guy that got busted for growing after he posted on youtube. He shot video of his package
I think I saw that one...

I only post online because my numerous public claims of off-shore tax shelters have already precluded my gubernatorial run, so now I have nothing better to do and not much to hide. Besides that, the government already owns my ass