Pretty sure this is a male but i want a definite answer from RIU

Hey so ive been veggin this plant for about 8 weeks nowww with a bad nute burn setback which forced me to prune the plant and start over pretty much at 3 weeks

So Now....its been in flower for about a week now and im pretty sure its a male

but i just cant waste a lady if it is one since its my only plant...I did start out with 3 but the other two succumbed to nute burn and i dumped em

its been great since this is my first grow and i learned ALOT about pretty much everything

Setup up is 2 43 watt cfls red 3000k and 1 23 watt cfl 6500k



Well-Known Member
show us a picture of the stem where the branches come out.. we cant tell you if its male or female by looking at leaves


Well-Known Member
lo0ks like the beginin of a dude to ini.,.,but wait for someone not as hgh and tipsy as i rite now.,.,back to outer space i go.,.


watch the 3 4 5 6 node thats were preflowers well pop up first and once the pre flower pops up youll have to wati and see it it shoot our pistols (white hair) or grow a branch with balls