Pretty Sad....It's the Las Vegas of Cannabis shows.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member

Really....the Village People...Montel....Ricki Lake. I guess Elvis was too busy being dead?? WTF
Is this where these new companies see cannabis as going. Like some big extravaganza of prizes of jubilees. Notice all the LP's scum at this ..of course
They've even got an Awards Gala Dinner Party at the Casaloma. AWARDS..for what???
What have any of these weasel companies done for weed? OMG
Hollyweed Cannabis now...what the fuck next????????

Soon we'll have " tweed cannabis dancers "

ok...that part might not be so bad.


Well-Known Member
Because they sure as fuck ain't getting praise from their customers. So what better way to feel self important? Have a giant self congratulatory circle jerk to see who the most self important person is. Oscars *cough*

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Because they sure as fuck ain't getting praise from their customers. So what better way to feel self important? Have a giant self congratulatory circle jerk to see who the most self important person is. Oscars *cough*
Ya I thought the very same thing....didn't take em long to start patting themselves on the back.
I wonder if they'll have some "FAIL" awards when it all crashes down...soon.