Prescription Pill that has cannaboids


Well-Known Member
i got a few of these from a girl at work for picking up her shift ;D they didnt really seem to get me high but when i took them and then smoked there was definately a trippier aspect to it...


Well-Known Member
Marinol is 100% synthetic THC. It's fake THC made in a lab that's supposed to act as a pain reliever, appetite regulator, and is supposed to get rid of nausea... Almost everyone who has tried Marinol and has smoked Cannabis would rather stick with smoking Cannabis because it works better. From what I've heard, Marinol doesn't get rid of your nausea that well...

Marinol is infact proof of how hypocritical our government is. The FDA (a US government run agency) approved a synthetic form of THC to be used legally in all states called Marinol when it doesn't work as well as the natural form (which is still a federal offense to possess and grow)...


Well-Known Member
ive tried it, and wasnt impressed at all
it didnt prevent nausea for me, it pretty much created nausea haha


Well-Known Member
better off buying chronic candy. doesnt contain thc for the high effect but it does contain cdw or whatever which is a natural pain reliever in marijuana. completely legal to buy. my mom just ordered a ton of lollipops and gummi bears! i forget the website link but its pretty bomb!


Well-Known Member
It was an attempt to utilize the medicinal properties of THC without the added benefit of getting high. For cancer patients and such. Turns out that it doesn't work as well as they hoped ... apparently, the "high" is part of the medicine.

Works out well, doesn't it. ^___^


Well-Known Member
That sucks, i thought it would say for side effects "may feel high or stoned out of your mind" and don't operate heavy machinery