I've used bushmaster in the past and was startled to stumble upon some facts while I was reading around, The label should read PACLOBUTRAZOL, because that's what it is. Paclobutrazol is a plant growth regulator that has been on the market for years under the trade name Bonzai. Paclobutrazol diminishes plant growth through inhibition of gibberellin. However, Paclobutrazol is not intended to be used on food products. All those PGRs have been pulled from labeling for food products. The reason that Paclobutrazol and other Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) are used for ornamentals only and not on Food Crops is because they are carcinogenic. THAT'S RIGHT THEY CAUSE CANCER! This product being sold all over California and the country is being used on weed and then sold as Medicine. You can always plug it into google and see for yourself.
stopped me from buying it on my last trip to the store