Preperation Holes..


Active Member
Hey there im just wondering whats the best way to prep holes when growing outdoors?
For the last few years ive just used Sheepshit & mushroom fert
sometimes roadkill lol
I would like to try something different this year any suggestions would be good..
Il be digging in two weeks lol


Well-Known Member
I just dig my holes right before I plant the seedlings. I figure the landscape might change or something and then I'd have dug some holes for nothing. You put roadkill in a hole and grew marijuana in that hole? You smoked it? Funky taste? Sorry but that sounds gross.

I use a mix of perlite, vermectilite, and scotts top soil, then I just feed them with fox farms ferts so I can regulate their food intake to match what I observe in their growth. I think this is a very effective and easy way to grow pot. I don't know what you could do now to prep your holes for growing next year, besides digging them I guess or putting some nitrogen in the surrounding soil for veg growth. Dried blood works good.