Preparing for first grow / supplie:


Active Member
Hello, and thanks for your input,

To start this is my first grow, I am working in a { 4 x 4 x 5.5 } closet. (I'll get back with you to make sure those are the correct measurements).

This is what I have on my list of things to get, but some questions:

1.) Should I use soil or rockwall or both?
1b.) What is the difference
2.) Using a tent what wattage lighting system should I be using? What light do you recommend between all the diff kinds.. there are a TON!
3.) I am planning on growing about 9 plants. Does that sound right for my space?

List: (everything, if I'm missing one little thing tell me)
10 Feminized Seeds (Widow or ICE ?)
1000W (HPS) High Pressure Sodium Lighting Systems
Secret Jardin - The Dark Room 120
7-Day Grounded Digital Programmable Timer
Ventilation Fan:
Carbon filter:
Reflecting Lining:
Compost (Rockwool):
Pots (10lt):
Thermometer w/ humidity:
Electronic PH Scale:
Cloning Solution:
chain/rope 4 lights:
Watering Pales:

I'm expecting 2.5oz - 3.5oz (70g - 100g) of yield per plant...
Is this anyway near accurate?


Well-Known Member
use soil fror growing ur plants

i think ud b better off with 600 hps as this will do perfectly for 9 plants, the 1000 hps has a lot of heat off the buld, and costs more on the bills..

id go WW for ur first grow as its strong and resilliant.

as for yield depends on how u grow/genitics etc... u should get 1.5 - 2oz per plant on average of damm quality buds...

sounds like u have everything u needs

any other Q's


Well-Known Member
A 600W light would be good but it's going to get awfully hot without an air-cooled reflector and a dedicated inline fine to duct the heat away. Might be fine during the winter months, though. Depends on the ambient room temp you place the tent in. I use a 174CFM 4" inline fan to vent the heat and the tent stays nice and cool as long as the room temp doesn't exceed, say, 75 degrees. Anything hotter and I have to turn the AC on. I'm using a basic reflector without air-cooling, by the way.


Well-Known Member
well this is what I would do... a good rule of thumb... 50 watts per square foot...
you could definately go with a 1000 watt hps... but if you do get an inline cooled hood and put an inline fan sucking the hot air out (just for your hood) and a good cage fan like a 465 hanging above your light sucking hot air out of the room... as for bringing new air in... have a couple of inlets (holes or 90 degree plumbers pipe at the bottom of your closet.. the cage fan being 465cfm will force new air in by sucking the old hot air out... see a 600 watt would be enough for your space... but I personally like to overkill... a 1000 watt light will give you heavier more dense buds than a 600 watt would... it could be worth the money and extra light or it cannot... your biggest issue will be heat... but Like I said with proper ventillation you'll be fine..

as far as soil , I would definately go with just soil... a good plain soil with perlite 50/50 (1 cup soil, 1 cup perlite)

as far as the strain... ice is a little more difficult to grow then white widow...
and white widow is a beautiful strain... with your height restriction of only 5.5 feet... I would go with white widow.. now if your using a 1000 watt you may have to flower her a little early ... you've got to have a safe distance between the light and the top of your bitches lol ... once you factor in the pot (usually 5 gallon buckets) what i like to use, the pot, the height of the plant, distance between the plant and light and the height of the light you'll be cuttin it close ...


Well-Known Member
Ok after re-reading this question five times, i think I got it now.

Hello, and thanks for your input,

To start this is my first grow, I am working in a { 4 x 4 x 5.5 } closet. (I'll get back with you to make sure those are the correct measurements).

This is what I have on my list of things to get, but some questions:

1.) Should I use soil or rockwall or both?
1b.) What is the difference
2.) Using a tent what wattage lighting system should I be using? What light do you recommend between all the diff kinds.. there are a TON!
3.) I am planning on growing about 9 plants. Does that sound right for my space?

List: (everything, if I'm missing one little thing tell me)
10 Feminized Seeds (Widow or ICE ?) WW
1000W (HPS) High Pressure Sodium Lighting Systems 400w MH/HPS Conv Max!
Secret Jardin - The Dark Room 120
7-Day Grounded Digital Programmable Timer
Ventilation Fan: Air Cooled Hood for light, small fan for circ from intake
Carbon filter: Yes
Reflecting Lining: Flat white paint or mylar/panda film
Compost (Rockwool): Fox Farms Ocean Forest
Pots (10lt): OK
Thermometer w/ humidity: Yes
Electronic PH Scale: Yes
Soil: FFOF
Fertilizer: Advanced Nutrients
Cloning Solution: Yes
chain/rope 4 lights: Yes
Watering Pales: Yes

I'm expecting 2.5oz - 3.5oz (70g - 100g) of yield per plant...
Is this anyway near accurate?
Dont expect anything and be happy with what you get. 2.5-3.5 can be acheived. Lets get thru this first grow and build from there.

Here is a good place to get all the supplies you will need. Pay attention to the nutrients section. There are so many different ones that are awesome. I use AN but they are the most $$ and many ppl use something different.


Active Member
use soil fror growing ur plants
id go WW for ur first grow as its strong and resilliant.
as for yield depends on how u grow/genitics etc... u should get 1.5 - 2oz per plant on average of damm quality buds...
any other Q's
What is WW?

And what d you mean how I grow/genetics? I'm going to use the bet soil, and the best fert... and watch the PH like a HAWK!


Active Member
NVM I figured it out.

What kind of light beside wattage should I get... How do I "switch" to flowering when it's time... like what do I start doing diff? Do the nutients/lightings/watering change?


Well-Known Member
What is WW?

And what d you mean how I grow/genetics? I'm going to use the bet soil, and the best fert... and watch the PH like a HAWK!

well some seed companys have better genetics(better mother and father plants making love to make ur seeds) when u grow 1 strain all the plants wont b the same they will b 2 or maybe 3 type of pheno indica/sativa..

do some more reading......

just cause u use the bast products does not mean the best results u need to know how to use them properly...

read read read...