Prepare For Economic Disaster ....The Economic Collapse


Well-Known Member
we need those to survive? im fucked.......
I certainly hope not. "It's better have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it." Wise words someone once said to me.;-)

If history is any indicator, then yes, we will need them at some point. All governments fail eventually. Usually there is violence surrounding such collapses, perhaps even world war (we've already had 2 of them). We just don't know what the future holds but there's not a damn thing wrong with being prepared IMO. There's a fine line that seperates the prepared from the paranoid. Just try to stay on the correct side of the line and you'll be alright. :weed:


Well-Known Member
wtf r those machine guns or some shit?
Assault rifles. Machine guns are illegal under federal law unless you have a federal permit for them and they are expensive! You can convert an assault rifle to become full auto but it's still not a machine gun. A machine gun is usually full auto only and is heavier than an assault rifle. Many machine guns typically need a team of 2 or more to carry and operate. Barrels need to be changed out and ammuntion has to be fed and reloaded. An assault rifle is the basic weapon of the infantry soldier. A machine gun is a more specialized weapon used for defending hardened positions or used at the squad or platoon level to lay down suppressing fire. A machine gun puts out a whole lot more lead than an assault rifle.:fire:


Active Member
To tell you the truth... If and I repeat if we all went on Strike the war would be won in a matter of days. That is if our military doesn't fire on us.

listen up, the economic collapse is inevitable. its a part of their plan to bring a "One world government". once we are in the depression. we will accept the idea because they will offer solutions.

Killing, and war is not the answer, rather, we need to remove the 13 "elite" bloodlines who are in power that manipulating the game. we need to reform government and monetary structure. the people need to take back the power, and redistribute the wealth down the pyramid.

society is just molding us into slaves, day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year.

we are all slaves to the monetary system. the people who control the monetary system are the ones who control what happens.

either we have to go back to our native ways, and stop relying on money, go back to hunting, survival basicly. or we need to demand change.


Well-Known Member
listen up, the economic collapse is inevitable. its a part of their plan to bring a "One world government". once we are in the depression. we will accept the idea because they will offer solutions.

Killing, and war is not the answer, rather, we need to remove the 13 "elite" bloodlines who are in power that manipulating the game. we need to reform government and monetary structure. the people need to take back the power, and redistribute the wealth down the pyramid.

society is just molding us into slaves, day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year.

we are all slaves to the monetary system. the people who control the monetary system are the ones who control what happens.

either we have to go back to our native ways, and stop relying on money, go back to hunting, survival basicly. or we need to demand change.
yeah, we should go back to draconian survivalist ways of life.... 40 year life expectancy.... no tv.... fuck the internet...... you got 386 posts that say you do otherwise though....


Economy Hit with the Ultimate Smokescreen: Biflation

You can tell when a Ponzi scheme is approaching its collapse by the number of increased smoke and mirrors needed to cover up the counterfeit foundation of the scheme.

The U.S. government, who already grossly disfigures the real numbers for GDP, unemployment and inflation, is constantly having to twist reality to keep their scheme afloat.The government recently reported that unemployment numbers reached the lowest point in nearly two years at 8.9%, “sparking optimism” in the establishment media. Many analysts point to two months in a row of “job growth” as evidence that the U.S. is well on its way to recovery and it should be good news for job seekers.


Active Member
yeah, we should go back to draconian survivalist ways of life.... 40 year life expectancy.... no tv.... fuck the internet...... you got 386 posts that say you do otherwise though....
I don't want to come across as flaming you or your ideas, but I do agree with redivider, Shit might change for the worst but I don't think we will regress as
A species to total anarchy, well anarchy is the vibe I get at reading some of your posts, again not talking you down just voicing an opinion


Well-Known Member
If/when the US dollar loses it's value the American people won't know until it's too late.

It will affect the economy overnight and without warning.

Think about how the Government handles a natural disaster, now put that at a National level, it won't be pretty.