Pre-Harv. Poking of Stems...


I read in some journal about poking a little whole in the stem to stimulate the buds in the final stages of flowering.

Is this worthwhile? I know the period of darkness is contentious I know, I still plan on trying it though because it shan't really harm my baby just with a days darkness pre-harv.

Anyways, opinions needed. Also, if you think it works please could someone explain how to do it. Do you poke in the bottom or top of each stem? Pin-hole or larger toothpick size? Just one poke or multiple ones? How close to harvest should it be done?




New Member
Agreed. Quit buyin cervantes shit guys a tool (I'm assuming this is who u read it from) stick with what's proven to work. Just put it this way. How would u like it if right as ur life was coming to an end and some fool ran in an started jabbin at you with a toothpick? Ud die pissed off and full of holes. Idc what anyone says beating and stabbing ur plants won't do anything but hurt ur plant. Flush give it a long night and take it down.


Okay, cool. I'm still gonna do the dark period, even if it only affects bag appeal.

I didn't actually here it from Cervantes (I am a noob, admittedly, but I actually read it on a journal on this site), I realise of course that Jorge provides the most general and visceral non-specific information - albeit to a very wide audience and with production values uncomparable to most videographic information available - and would never value him in any comparable way to the plant specific points and wide variety of information, sources, experience and advice available on RIU.

Just a noob disclaimer...

