PPM Help Please


Well-Known Member
Hello I have just started my first garden. I have cheese kush and kish (shishkaberry) and I have never done hydro before. I am curious what my PPM's should be at, I am using a Bloom,Grow,Micro Formula (HollandS Secret) and when i follow the feed my PPMs are coming in around 550. Is this good or what? I understand the concept of if the PPMS are going down then it is eating more then drinking and vise versa, just dont know what to start at and dont know what to top it off at during the week before i refill the res,

Thanks Any Help Would Be great!


New Member
feeding questions regularly go un answered on forums because people generally don't want to be responsible for fucking up yer plants.

that said, you kinda need to play it by ear. no two plants are the same, you could have all the same strain and some would require more food than others.

What you need to do is learn to let the plant tell you what it needs by reading the leaves, if it goes bright yellow around the tip and edges chances are you gone too strong, if the leaf just generally loses colour and gets dark spots in it then your most likely under.

you spent the cash on the setup, and once you got your game on you'll be growing pounds, but you maybe taking off a slight bit more than you could chew by doing 128 plants on your first hydro grow


Well-Known Member
All the advice I can give you about nutes is at least half strenth of what the bottle says or you will be more likely to burn em. As far as res. temp. I keep mine at room temp. and that is usually 60 at night and a HI of 74 in the daytime.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty green (pun intended) as well when it comes to hydro, so take my advice with a grain of salt.

They say between 18-24c (or about 65-75f) is an ideal resvoir temperature with anything above 30C (85f) being leathal.

Because there are different standards for PPMs and they vary based on which manufacturer makes your TDS meter, I find its alot easier to use Electrical conductivity as a reference for nutrients as it is universal, if your meter doesnt specifically state EC just google it and you should find what conversion value yours uses. Common ones are 500ppm-1ec, 640ppm-1ec and 700ppm=1ec

I use the same nutes and find feeding at 3/4 strength gives me an EC of 1.3 which is 650ppm at 500ppm=1 EC, so if you're feeding at full strength and getting 550ppms something strange is up.

You must be canadian if you're using those nutes, i have only seen a few other people who have them and they're all fellow canucks.

Anyhow Canadian or not, welcome to RIU. Looks like you've got some serious work to do.