Powers of raw cannabis? raw medicine ?

here is a quick youtube video about some of the amazing powers of raw cannabis and i was wondering if anyone else had any helpful tips on salves, tinctures, infusions that we can do without heating ? can you naturally extract the oils from flowers with an oil extractor press for making oils like peanut, almond, coconut, etc. ??? or how is the oxygen extraction done?? can you eat hash oil without heating it and get good results?? There is something i love about the rush i get the medicinal benefits immediately .. is there any possible way to get this from eating hash oil or tincture?? i guess the healthiest alternative is vaping hash ... but maybe on the lowest setting? anyone else on this same quest for knowledge please keep in touch and give me any links or recommendations you can :] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgEP9FdIzT8&feature=related there is the link to the raw cannabis video on youtube..also since the video got some attention they uploaded a 15 minute re make http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xPmR8j4plw

hope to hear from everyone about a year since i've been on here but i always learned a lot and met people wondering the same questions :]


Well-Known Member
what you want is the raw, fresh plant matter.. it will not get you high if you do not heat it.. you want the leaf and bud if possible juiced down to goo.. i am onto this idea as well!
it should be fresh and not dried so that it contains the enzymes, etc from the living plant.. you will be ingesting THCa and CBDa which do not give any rush or high..

this is exactly what Rick Simpson was onto in Canada - google "Rick Simpson Marijuana" .. he was curingcancers!