Power Cloner


Active Member
Hi, I bought a Power Cloner about a year ago and never had the oportunity to use it until now, and need help in a few areas.

1. Do you turn on the Power Cloner as soon as you start cutting clones and placing them into the cloner?

2. Does it leak?

3. Can I place a heating mat under the cloner?

4. How long the cutting has to be?

Thank You Very Much for Your Help.

past times

Well-Known Member
i am not familiar with the power cloner. as far as the length of clipping you dont want to big. i like to start with about 4 or 5 inch clippings. You want a few nodes to be stripped and in whatever medium you are rooting in. Is the power cloner a bubble system with a water tank that the stems hang out in? If so make sure there is a node or 2 under water. If it is a bubble system, keep it on any time there is a clone trying to root. i only have the grow top and maybe one node below it when trying to clone. too much plant matter is hard to maintain for the plant also trying to root. another thing is to cut the tips of all the large fan leaves. hope this helps and good luck.


Active Member
I don't think you want it on a heating pad. Cooler water holds more oxygen and keep mold down. Make sure you have a cutting long enough to place a node or two below the pad that holds it so it get wet when the system is on. Some keep it on 24/7 some put in on a cycle timer, turning it on and off during the day. whatever ends up working for you.


Active Member
Thank you very much guys I'm going to do everything you say, I'll let you know this week how everything go.


Active Member
The power cloner has been working for 7 days already, no roots yet, it was great to see that none of the little clones wilted.



Active Member
This thing is crazy, it's been 8 days and now all my clones have roots, it used to be 3 weeks before with the rockwool plugs and the cloning gel, unbelivable.