powedry mildew help


I deceived a few clones an now My plants have a slightissue of powerful mildew. Does garden fungicide work good


Well-Known Member
put 2 capfulls of peroxide/h2o2 in a spray bottle the rest water and spray them.....kills on contact. Might want to check every few days for any more that might pop up.I keep my spray bottle next to the cloning station at all times


I use a baking soda and milk mixture. About a tsp of baking soda mixed with half a cup of milk. Dip a Q-tip in the mixture and clean off the mildew. Don't double dip the dirty Q-tip back in the soda milk, though. Use a bunch of Q-tips until you've cleaned it off. Then add more milk to the mixture and a tsp of hydrogen peroxide, and spray the plant thoroughly -- underside of leaves, too. Let it dry. Then spray it again with de-chlorinated water to wash it off. If you have more than one plant, keep your sick plant isolated from the others until you are sure you've eradicated the problem. And -- you need to figure out why you got the mildew to begin with. Too much watering, perhaps?


honestly think my friend passed the powdery mildew on to me when i received clones from him i jus purchased some h202


Well-Known Member
These will kill your PM, but just think you will soon be toking on the residues,

best is Neem Oil, safe and organic,

tho not so close to harvest as Neem is an acquired taste


Well-Known Member
Any of the treatments posted will work, main thing is deal with it and don't grow any more after this round until you've bleached the room and everything in it. imo PM is something brought in from outdoors, I don't think it just develops from humidity or lack of air circulation, although both of those factors will allow it to thrive/live. You likely did bring it with the clones, check close next time if receiving clones from anyone. I had it this spring and it's good now but I cleaned everything and culled a bunch of clones that had it before re-starting. Mine was pretty definite bringing air in from outside in winter/early spring so I won't do that again. Now that I know what it looks like I've seen in all around on plants in my neighbourhood, which sucks because I now have to make sure I never bring in outside air unless it's through my HVAC system which has an electronic air cleaner. Hate that shit...


Well-Known Member
I brought PM home on some clones last year. Sprayed every trick in the book on them and it always came back! I installed an A/C system for the summer and it went away! Since then I have made sure the humidity does not hit 45% or higher and I have not had any since!

I believe humidity plays a huge roll in powdery mildew.