POTTED nutrients


Active Member
If A plant is in a pot will it run out of the nutrients in the pot. Do you need to add more nutrients to the soil, and how long will it take before the soil runs out of nutrients because my pot is very small


Well-Known Member
the soil contains the nutrients for your plant. your plant uses those nutrients to grow. therefore, yes, you will need to eventually add more nutrients to the soil. potting mixs generally have enough fertilizer/nutes to support the plant well for a month. after that, then you can begin adding nutes at 1/4 strength of the recommended amount and increase gradually. what size is your plant? what soil? lights? what are the specifics of your grow?


Active Member
Right now it is a seedling I just want to know for the future. Regular potting soil from store it has some nutrients in it. The pot size is a medium Mcdonalds medium drink cup. And its outdoors I might put it in the ground but it seems like alot of work and its not in the most secure spot outdoors*get in get out*. so After about a month add Nutrients slowly. If I do not add nutrients after a month nothing too bad will happen right?

Thanks you have answered my question.


Well-Known Member
it's going to outgrow that cup REAL quick. your going to have to plant it outdoors, or grow it inside. yes, you can grow without nutes, but your results will not be as good. good luck....