Pots still heavy,,


I waterd my plants 6 days ago and the pots are still heavy. they are in coco in 12ltr pots and they had about 1/2 ltr feed 6 days ago, and like i said yhey are still heavy,.. Also dose new coco stay moist for awhile.. thanks Guys/Galls.

pics if needed..

jeff f

New Member
i dont grow in coco but your plant will tell you when it needs water. leaves start to droop. watch the healthy leaves closest to the bottom of the plant. when they start to droop and curl under and get rubbery looking, she needs a drink.


Well-Known Member
hows your drainage? do you have fans on them? i elevate my plant so air flow gets in the bottom as well as the top.. ususally dries out in 3-4 days


Well-Known Member
Yea if your not getting runoff theres sumthin up i've had partycups do this then they start to mold be careful!


Well-Known Member
yeah you definatly want a good drainage system.. if you don't the water get trapped and rots the roots