Pot Sizes and Stress?


Well-Known Member
Hi all how much truth is in; if you plant a seed in a large pot to begin with it can cause stress and encourage males? If so, what's the correct potting procedure after germination?


Well-Known Member
Personally i start in small pots about the size of a party cup.

Once the roots start to poke out of the bottom a little i give the pot a squeeze if all the medium stays in position without crumbling i then transplant into 11L pots which i stay in for the rest of the grow. I veg for around 3-4 weeks.

To transplant i do the following.

Prepare your new pot and the medium( soaking Ph'ing flushing etc)
I then take an empty party cup pot and proceed to back fill around the pot so that the pot leaves a hole the size of my current pot with my plant in. I also drop in some Mychorhizol fungi into the hole.
I then place my hand over the top of the party cup with the plant in it and hold the stem between my fingers.(star trek spok style you know the live long and prosper sign)
I then turn the pot slightly upside down but not all the way and give a tap on the bottom but not too hard. You may have to do this a few times to loosen it properly. then slip it out of the party cup pot and into the premade hole in your new pot. I give it a little water with some Trichoderma in it and hey presto plant has been transplanted.

Hope this helps.



bud bootlegger
i have never heard the thing about big pots causing more males before... but saying that, i do usually start my plants in smaller pots and move them up to bigger pots maybe two more times in their lifes..
i like the info that the above poster gave about backfilling around his party cup and all.. good stuff..

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
illogical think about it-----Ph and temp and day length and color are the parameters forgetting to water or over water lights going crazy hours that is stress. Being stretched out in a mile wide pot with perfect conditions will get you this----

