Pot size for flowering?


Well-Known Member
So, im about to start flowering next week but am not sure how big of pots my plants will need. I really dont want to have to transplant them while they're in flower so i was hoping this would be the last time. Any suggestions as to how big my pots should be? i want to go as small as possible (for space reasons) but still do whats best for my plants.

I dont know how big the pots they're in now are but i know that the roots are pokin out the bottom lol so im definitly gonna transplant ONE last time



Well-Known Member
what size pots are they in now? just go bigger than what you have now. It really won't matter in the end, i've seen large plants grown in relatively small containers...it's all about time.


Well-Known Member
pot size is dependant on the medium and method you are using, some folks don't use pots at all in a fllod and drain table just rock wool cubes or slabs. If you are growing in soil, then you would want 3-3 1/2 gallon pots, in hydro one gallon is sufficient, because you are constantly giving your plants the nutes they need they don't need the big root system they need for soil.
Sooo....what medium and method are you using?? I bet its in your journal. VV


Well-Known Member
I just found seven 3.5 gallon pots in my basement! Right now they're in 1.5 gallon in scotts potting soil. I noticed the roots coming out hte bottom and figured they'd love a bigger home. So its off to 3.5 they go! then 5 days till i start 12/12! wish me luckkkk!!! :peace: