Pot and pregnancy

j to the c

Well-Known Member
My wife and I found out that we are having our first baby, and can't be more excited. We have quit smoking but my wife had a surgery and cannot keep food down without taking 1 or 2 hits before eating. Our problem is that in the 3 days of not smoking she has thrown up most of the food she has eaten and as well as her vitamins due to the surgery and she cannot re take them due to the iron. So should she take 1-2 hits 3 times a day to keep food down or throw up 75% of food consumed for the next 9 months. We don't live in a medical state either. My only concerns are for my wife and my unborn child.


Active Member
lol, talk to your docotor, dont self medicate, if she is throwing up all her food dont you think you should mention it to her doc? last place i would get advice about this would be a pot head forum.


Well-Known Member
My wife and I found out that we are having our first baby, and can't be more excited. We have quit smoking but my wife had a surgery and cannot keep food down without taking 1 or 2 hits before eating. Our problem is that in the 3 days of not smoking she has thrown up most of the food she has eaten and as well as her vitamins due to the surgery and she cannot re take them due to the iron. So should she take 1-2 hits 3 times a day to keep food down or throw up 75% of food consumed for the next 9 months. We don't live in a medical state either. My only concerns are for my wife and my unborn child.
The fact is that throwing up food is going to harm mother and baby more than taking a few drags of a spliff. I had a friend who couldnt hold food down without smoking, no doctor could tell him why he was sick all the time either. Your call though!


Well-Known Member
My sister suffered through her pregnancy, she smoked, and I have an Ivy league graduate for a nephew. It's all in moderation, but as Buddreams stated, I would definitely talk to your doc first. Maybe underlying problem you must deal with first. Good luck and good health to your baby and wife!


Active Member
my mom smoked with me and i graduated hs and own my own flooring company and have a beautiful family but i agree talk to your doc