Post Your Outdoor Flowers Here


Well-Known Member
lol who knows, i crossed my bubba male to my lavender lady.
my female bubba is amazing, as well the lavender,
cant wait to see the phenos.

im all into breeding, lol
anything, i breed parrots and dogs,lol
as well cannabis, haha
I didnt know you could breed parrots with dogs! hahaha


Well-Known Member
lol sure why cant you.
i have all kinds of pitbull macaws lol
but for real your plants look good, great.
im using sugar peak earth juice.
its i type of molassas that increases NATRAL
smell and flavor, rather than grape of nector or citrus
you guys should try it

o and my grow journal is up
2010-2011 Indoor (medical) winter grow is the name


Well-Known Member
and i have a ps3 in here, like 500$ in hydro supplys my cars new sub and amp, close to a couple grand here.
lights, ballasts, but no just weed and my bong and pointless pics to them is what they took
dude, it sounds like it was someone you know.. sorry to hear that man..
whoever it was knew you, and knew you had everything in your room.. or there were some EXTREME creepers watching you...
my real dad always said "never tell your right hand what your left hand is doing"..
or a more appropreate analogy is "loose lips sink ships"


.thanks for this sick post.. ;)


Well-Known Member
edited this post to add one more thing, To the creator of this thread,CultivationArt, sorry to hear about that..keep growin, the kinda assholes that do that shit either get fucked up or with no friends

so heres another update of my outdoor..
pic1 iv harvested 6 1/2 oz so far from my biggest chem dog plant (more hanging)
pic 2-5 largest purple
pic 6 chem dog clone i think
pic 7-9 purple clone



Well-Known Member
Lookindank guys, and im a grower so all set back is just my bong and dads pics, witch really fuckin pisses me off.
i have my 5 primes, all in witch i think had something to do with it.
i already beat the shit outta chris and tyler, 3 to go, there hiding forsure.
i know it was them. there the only 5 who knew, and they kicked it every day,
i come home to the shit missing and pissed as all hell, hmmmm no one answers there phone
or hits me up any more, and cheak this my neighbor saw 3 of them them, described them
and it was theses fags phi chris and tyler. and i know there 2 homeboys cory and marcos helped.
and yes i just dropped names. i can give a fuck.


Well-Known Member
keep the art coming though, soon ill be able to. computer is still not functioning properly lol.
im still taking pics, but once i can use the computer again, im just gonna download them all, kinda like a timelaps.
so please follow ma journal, lol and thank you


Well-Known Member
burn all those piece of shit rippers.. drop all the names, you should post their name, address, ect.. get a mob of people through RIU and other growing communities, and we'll help ourselves to all raid their personal items..

i got your back homie..

MOB list for CultivationArt's revenge


Well-Known Member
Yeah its just from the cold. I used seeds from good commercial weed. But I have three plants all from the same bag of bud and only this plant turned this much color. But the other two do have some purple in them too from the cold.


Well-Known Member
Yeah its just from the cold. I used seeds from good commercial weed. But I have three plants all from the same bag of bud and only this plant turned this much color. But the other two do have some purple in them too from the cold.
ya alll my outdoor turn purp towards the end but that ones reall nice colored