Post your glass.


Well-Known Member
idk sabud. it does sound kinda fishy what ur sayin. first ur askin for someone to send u a piece cuz u cant get one other wise. then ur the first person to respond when someone asks for a site were u can buy from. why cant u just order from the site instead of someone personaly sending u one. idk man im not one to make acusations im just sayin what ur saying doesnt add up


Well-Known Member
because i dont have a worknig credit card/paypal account at the moment to order online. For someon e like u that has had a account since febuary and have still under 100 posts i think u should do more research btw even if u thought that get it out of ur heads now i already said i wasnt a cop so if i was its entrpament so either way notihng bad happens, jesus christ u can fdd and all of them hell ive recieved seeds from some people here, they know im not a cop.


Well-Known Member
glass = this thread was made before there was an art section, so sorry we couldnt put it in a subcategory that didnt exist yet


Well-Known Member
ever seen datlelines to catch a predator those molesters ask those people like a thousand times if they are affiliated w/ the police they just lie and say no.....
so asking people if they are police or not isnt going to help you...
Just loooks annoying and paranoid


Well-Known Member
In the USA, cops are allowed to lie to you and it is not entrapment if they do. Cops can lie until they are blue, but if a criminal (pot smoker) does it then it is called giving false information to a police officer. Cops suck in that way.


Well-Known Member
my first little bubbler....long gone now some douche bag broke it but i made him pay me 20 bucks so it was all settled



Well-Known Member
lol see now wtf is all i can say to that, dont u got any cool spoons or normal sherlocks.


Well-Known Member
i had two spoons, now only one. someone stole one the other night :/ it was the oldest peice i had ever had...7 months old haha. but if photobucket works soon i'll see what other pics i have in there


Well-Known Member
here we go, here is a couple of sherlock lookin pipes that we got for free with a purchase of a baby spoon from the local dudes at the smoke shop here (friendly guys, best people to sit and talk with....when they aren't in jail)
