Post your Apocalyptic Theories Here.


Well-Known Member
Events that are likely if not inevitable that will seriously effect human civilization or (in many cases) lead to mass extinction of people

Global pandemic of highly virulent organism
Asteroid or comet impact
Yellowstone caldera eruption
major climate change due to tectonic plate movement and major volcanism
Thermonuclear detonations resulting in nuclear winter
Earth's rotation slowing
Our sun becoming a red giant encompassing the earth's orbit
Gamma ray burst from nearby supernova
A CME from our sun and resulting geomagnetic storm that wipes out the electrical grid, satellites and communications

Events that are extremely unlikely:

Eschatological events
[FONT=verdana New, verdana, monospace]Acharit hayamim (Jewish)[/FONT]
Ragnarok (Norse)
Book of Revelation (Xtian)
Kali Yuga (Hinduism)


Active Member
Events that are likely if not inevitable that will seriously effect human civilization or (in many cases) lead to mass extinction of people

Global pandemic of highly virulent organism
Asteroid or comet impact
Yellowstone caldera eruption
major climate change due to tectonic plate movement and major volcanism
Thermonuclear detonations resulting in nuclear winter
Earth's rotation slowing
Our sun becoming a red giant encompassing the earth's orbit
Gamma ray burst from nearby supernova
A CME from our sun and resulting geomagnetic storm that wipes out the electrical grid, satellites and communications

Events that are extremely unlikely:

Eschatological events
[FONT=verdana New, verdana, monospace]Acharit hayamim (Jewish)[/FONT]
Ragnarok (Norse)
Book of Revelation (Xtian)
Kali Yuga (Hinduism)

So just out of curiosity, could you elaborate what the Ragnarok and/or Kali Yuga says about end of times. I don't expect any great detail but maybe a brief description.


Well-Known Member
Ragnarok ("Doom of the Gods"), also called Gotterdammerung, means the end of the cosmos in Norse mythology. It will be preceded by Fimbulvetr, the winter of winters. Three such winters will follow each other with no summers in between. Conflicts and feuds will break out, even between families, and all morality will disappear. This is the beginning of the end. The wolf Skoll will finally devour the sun, and his brother Hati will eat the moon, plunging the earth [into] darkness. The stars will vanish from the sky. The cock Fjalar will crow to the giants and the golden cock Gullinkambi will crow to the gods. A third cock will raise the dead.
The earth will shudder with earthquakes, and every bond and fetter will burst, freeing the terrible wolf Fenrir. The sea will rear up because Jormungand, the Midgard Serpent, is twisting and writhing in fury as he makes his way toward the land. With every breath, Jormungand will stain the soil and the sky with his poison. The waves caused by the serpent's emerging will set free the ship Naglfar, and with the giant Hymir as their commander, the giants will sail towards the battlefield. From the realm of the dead a second ship will set sail, and this ship carries the inhabitants of hell, with Loki as their helmsman. The fire giants, led by the giant Surt, will leave Muspell in the south to join against the gods. Surt, carrying a sword that blazes like the sun itself, will scorch the earth.
Meanwhile, Heimdall will sound his horn, calling the sons of Odin and the heroes to the battlefield. From all the corners of the world, gods, giants, dwarves, demons and elves will ride towards the huge plain of Vigrid ("battle shaker") where the last battle will be fought. Odin will engage Fenrir in battle, and Thor will attack Jormungand. Thor will victorious, but the serpent's poison will gradually kill the god of thunder. Surt will seek out the swordless Freyr, who will quickly succumb to the giant. The one-handed Tyr will fight the monstrous hound Garm and they will kill each other. Loki and Heimdall, age-old enemies, will meet for a final time, and neither will survive their encounter. The fight between Odin and Fenrir will rage for a long time, but finally Fenrir will seize Odin and swallow him. Odin's son Vidar will at once leap towards the wolf and kill him with his bare hands, ripping the wolf's jaws apart.
Then Surt will fling fire in every direction. The nine worlds will burn, and friends and foes alike will perish. The earth will sink into the sea.
After the destruction, a new and idyllic world will arise from the sea and will be filled with abundant supplies. Some of the gods will survive, others will be reborn. Wickedness and misery will no longer exist and gods and men will live happily together. The descendants of Lif and Lifthrasir will inhabit this earth.


Well-Known Member
Hindus have a cyclic understanding of external history/internal spirituality. The Cycle or "Kalpa", lasting 8.64 billion years in the terms of orthodox Hindus, illustrates the pattern of decline in the state of nature and civilization between periods of timelessness when Brahma (Creator aspect of mind/spirit) regenerates the world of existence/reality. There are four yugs or ages in this process from completely pure to completely impure. The final is Kali Yuga or the Dark Age where civilization becomes spiritually degraded, human lives are shortened by violence and disease and there is a general state of decay in nature. This is the worst period before complete destruction which is then followed by a Golden Age.[citation needed]
Hindu traditional prophecies, as described in the Puranas and several other texts, say that the world shall fall into chaos and degradation. There will then be a rapid influx of perversity, greed and conflict, and this state has been described as:
"Yada Yada Hi Dharmasya Glanir Bhavati Bharata, Abhyuthanam Adharmasya Tadatmanam Srijami Aham". Bhagavad Gita (Chapter IV-7)
"Whenever there is decay of righteousness O! Bharatha And a rise of unrighteousness then I manifest Myself!"
Thus whenever there is intolerable evil and chaos in the world, there is an appearance of an avatar. In the current yuga, known as the Kali (the most evil) yuga, "The Lord shall manifest Himself as the Kalki Avatar… He will establish righteousness upon the earth and the minds of the people will become as pure as crystal."
In Hinduism, there is no eternal damnation of souls or end times. After this evil Kali yuga ends, the next yuga or epoch would be Satya yuga where everyone will be righteous, followed by Treta yuga,Dwapara yuga and then another Kali Yuga. Thus time is cyclical and the epochs keep repeating infinitely. However, the extent of tolerable evil and degradation in each epoch is different and therefore the threshold that is necessary for the manifestation of God's incarnation is different for each yuga. The current yuga is the most evil and so the threshold for the appearance of the avatar is so high that the world needs to degrade to the maximum levels.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
The 1918 flu pandemic (the Spanish Flu) was an unusually severe and deadly influenza pandemic that spread across the world. Historical and epidemiological data are inadequate to identify the geographic origin, though some suspect an Army cantonment in central Kansas.[1] Most victims were healthy young adults, in contrast to most influenza outbreaks which predominantly affect juvenile, elderly, or weakened patients. The flu pandemic was implicated in the outbreak of encephalitis lethargica in the 1920s.[2]
The pandemic lasted from June 1917 to December 1920,[3] spreading even to the Arctic and remote Pacific islands. Between 50 and 100 million died, making it one of the deadliest natural disasters in human history.[4][5][6][7][8] An estimated 50 million people, about 3% of the world's population (1.8 billion at the time[9]), died of the disease. Some 500 million, or 28% (≈1/4) were infected.[5]
3% of the worlds population... before jetliners.. there will be another bout with influenza or the common flu


Well-Known Member
Some 15 year old kid...builds a nuke in his basement............advertise on craigs list for uranium-238 ...gets several pounds in trade for his high level charecture on WoW game....puts it all together and celebrates by getting stoned and hits the on button and blows the fuck out of Ducktown USA and the goverment see's it as and attack on the USA and launches everything and of course you know the rest once thats done............I have over 2000 Mikey Ds burgers in storage and 10 gallons of Spring water in a bottle stored and a 22 caliber pellet rifle and 10 pellets so fuck bring it on.....anyways It could are smart.
Here's an apocalypse prediction for ya, republicans in power who were bribed by oil companies stall efforts to curb global warming long enough that the tipping point is reached and surpassed, and extreme weather wipes out over half the planet. The rest die from crime caused by lack of police, firemen or ambulances, also starvation. Before that, there's the chemical poisoning from the many many deadly chemicals used in fracking rising up through the soil and poisoning the air, and which also results in the water becoming flammable and undrinkable, leading to more deaths.
"Fracking", if you didn't know, is a method of getting oil from the ground by pumping chemial filled water into the soil, and those chemicals react to each other causing the ground to fracture and crumble, somehow making it easier to get that oil on-shore, so instead of drilling, they poison the earth just to cut through it, so they can suck up their liquid money leaving a hollow, infected, poisonous wound that doesn't heal. And yes using those chemicals does make the drinking water flammable. Look it up, it's crazy. They would do this as they please all over the world, and especially in America, because as I said, they've been bribed and could care less by all indication. I'd bet $100 this happens, unfortunately. Some of it is already done/happening.


Well-Known Member
There was an intersesting article in Times regarding singularity. One possibility is immoratilization of man by 2045 with the way technology is increasing on an exponential curve. Not only does technology itself increase exponentially, but the rate of increase is exponential as well. Considering most people think in linear fashion, it is hard to envision what the future will hold due to the fact the rate of acceleration will be unprecedented in human history.

The other possibilities included themes of terminator and the matrix whereby an ultra-intelligent machine that is smarter than man and can invent will be the last thing mankind ever invents. Regardless according to the article, the path of human evolution is poised to change dramatically over the next 30 or so years.