possible problem in flowering?

Richard Smith

Active Member
Hey guys ive bin growing green o matics all 3 of my babies are now in full flowering
i was wondering if u could take a look at there leaves i noticed its pretty normal for them to yellow during flowering but i just want to make sure :)

this is one i snipped off the plant becouse it was biggining to completly dry out

and heres some other examples

So whats the verdict? Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Toward the end of flower this will have to happen, snip them off since theyre practically useless. If your in the last few weeks, try flushing it(with rain water if you could stick a bucket outside on a rainy day), and don't water till its completely dry. If this is a little earlier in flower do the same thing, thats the best way to start figuring out a deficiency.I'd also post some more pictures, people on rollitup can help you tell if shes ready to cut or not.


Well-Known Member
Yep normal for the leaves to yellow up this should start to happen around week 5,and then get to the point that all the leaves are yellow and they will drop of on there own.If they are yellowing up too early then i would flush with just water......................tyke

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
No plant needs to have its leaves die during flowering. Usually when leaves start yellowing in flowering it means the plant needs more food and is feeding on its own leaves. Your leaves are showing signs of a number of deficiencies and if you flush them, it'll only get worse. Make sure the nutrient lack isn't being caused by pH lockout and then feed them a full NPK fertilization.