Possible potassium deficiency??

Hi all, so this girl is 118 days old…. It’s a original cheese from fast seeds. So I’m thinking potassium deficiency? I’m feeding with ro water and using the right amount of calmag so I don’t think it’s to do with calcium plus leaves are dark and shiny. Weird cause the last two weeks I’ve been feeding low ppm like 400-500 and now started feeding just water you’d think by 118 days she would want to be cut down by now!! It’s been a very fussy plant I seem to be getting somewhere then it just locks out



Well-Known Member
Those leaves look extremely dark in those photos?
Nitrogen Toxicity??? In flower you should cut down on N maybe thats why the buds are quite small too?
Might help more if you tell us the medium and what you're feeding.


Active Member
just had 4 plants showing the same exact look on the leaves. come to find out the soil ph was low. give the ph a check
are all these pics of just one plant??
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Staff member
Hi all, so this girl is 118 days old…. It’s a original cheese from fast seeds. So I’m thinking potassium deficiency? I’m feeding with ro water and using the right amount of calmag so I don’t think it’s to do with calcium plus leaves are dark and shiny. Weird cause the last two weeks I’ve been feeding low ppm like 400-500 and now started feeding just water you’d think by 118 days she would want to be cut down by now!! It’s been a very fussy plant I seem to be getting somewhere then it just locks out
Pic 2 is classic Ca deficiency Pic 4 is classic K deficiency. Also all that leaf and small bud can be too much N.

What you're growing in matters in terms of causation and treatment. You look like you have a good month left to go.


Well-Known Member
Don’t forget that Calmag products usually have around 3% Nitrogen in them so you have to compensate your base to allow for this.

I agree with @curious2garden that there appears to be a few deficiencies and a toxicity.

whenever I start seeing multiple issues I usually tend to look towards pH as a starting point.

it could be that if pH is too low/high you could be outside of uptake ranges for those nutrients and it’s only allowing uptake of N for example.