Possible calcium deficiency, need confirmation.


I've looked through the pinned threads at the top of this forum and have come to the conclusion I may have a calcium deficiency. Though none of the reasons listed therein are applicable.


50 gal ebb and gro system.
10 plants under 1000 watts.
Grow tent 8x5x6.5
Oscillating fan set to low, blowing above canopy.
Light hung 24" above even canopy.
7-8 weeks old. Forgot to write it down.
Humidity 40-65% (mostly 40.)
Temp 65-79, 65 at night, 79 at highest right before lights off.
12/12 light cycle
Strain: ak47

PH has been surprisingly rock solid throughout. 5.8 once set and soaked in, never varied more than .1 from day to day.

Res. changed and cleaned every 100 gallons.

Plants started at 400 PPM and were brought to 1450 PPM at peak. I use Gen. Hydroponics Bloom and Micro, Lucas' formula. Growth had shown no issues or troubles.

Until I started finding leaves like the ones posted below. At first I thought spider-mites. No corpses stuck to the oh so sticky nugs and none found under 40x jewelers loupe.

I think it's calcium related as they are the only images in the diagnostic threads that seem to match what I have going on.

The problem:

Deficiency: First visible in newer growth, leaf tips will die, tips may curl, growth is stunted. there will be a weakness in stems/branches. underdeveloped roots, and bacteria problems can arise. *can be cuased by too much potassium/nitrogen* calcium deficiency is commonly mistaken for over ferting. its key to notice in these pics that early stages of deficiency appear in the serrated edges/tips of the leaves, but its not just a death/necrosis, its a small circular spots of death, not just burn marks. young leaves will develop dwarfing, a strap-like shape, and shoots stop growing and thicken.

Leaf tips are fine, pointy but not crisp or twisting. Branch weakness is hard to judge as the buds have become quite heavy. Stems seem of normal rigidity. Roots are healthy and white, though slightly stained with nutrient solution. Maybe 1450 was to much for them? Nitrogen levels may have been too high. I saw no damage to the leaf edges and many leaves show only the small circular spots mentioned. New leaf growth has ceased so I cannot say.

I'm 7-8 weeks into flower and they've been in fresh, PH'd water, for 4 days. The problem only seems to be getting worse.

Anyone able to offer any insight?

Sorry for posting at length and thanks for your consideration.

Please ignore wilting and and leaf tip dryness. Took too much time between plucking them and taking photos.



Well-Known Member
yes.......looks like a calcium def. fuck it at 8 weeks of flower, i say. how do buds look? let the fans all fall off.........less to trim. get ready to chop. imo


Buds look good, large, and extremely firm. Pistil color changing nicely. Trichome formation dense and heads beginning to cloud.

2 g-13xhaze are ready anytime. They show no troubles. I think they'll remain within the harvest window for another 3-6 days as the AK finishes as well as the flushing.

I'm so close to the end I kind of thought it wouldn't matter. Still, nice to know for future reference.

Thanks for the reply.


Well-Known Member
lucas formula is an excellent formula BUT its not for every mj strain. some strains will do fine with no adjusting whatsoever but then there are those strains that want more. at one pint i was using lucas foormula until i noticed that some strains either they wanted a stronger mix or wnated less of a mix. it seems like your problem has to do with magnesium def with a little bit of calcium def. for next time add a little bit of some cal/mag to your mix and take from there. but with 7-8 weeks already into flowering i wouldnt even bother. good luck

heres a link for some detailed info........http://www.drugs-forum.com/growfaq/97.htm