possession drug paraphernalia

i was just charged with possession drug paraphernalia in my own home! my god damn mother let the police in my house and they found my god damn bowls(weed) and scale. I live in FL and this is my first offense. Whats the penalty for this charge? Does anyone in FL ever have this charge? Much help PLZ! thanks


Well-Known Member
where you there at the time? I would tell them that it's your moms, that will show her......lol.....JR
They funny thing is one bowl is hers.....one officer said that ill just have to do a class and its off my record is this true?


Your going to laugh now, but whats a bowl? is that something you keep your weed in over the pond?

Sorry but if you dont ask, your never know...lol


bud bootlegger
yeah.. i think i remember getting a strange look in amsterdam when i asked for a bowl.. think they call them pipes, but i'll let the dude from across golden pond answer that one for sure..
yes, posession of paraphanalia is most likely only going to be a misdameanor... and everyone gets one get out of jail card so to speak.. your first bust will usually get thrown out if you don't get into any kind of trouble for a year or so... some states make you do a little bit of paper work to get it off of your record, others a good lawyer will work..
i am down with the person who asked if you were present at the time of the arrest.. if not, any good lawyer will get the charges dropped without too much of a problem. i would suggest getting a lawyer for just about anykind of charges against you..
good luck man.. florida is a tough state.. but don't feel bad.. i just got arrested for under a gram of weed.. spent 12 hours in the most roach infested cell i have ever been in.. i ended up paying like $190 or so, and it was dropped down to like a ticket, and they called it nfp.. no farther penalties.. no probation and the like.. i think you should be fine with a para. charge...
best of luck ...


Active Member
:dunce::dunce: OK, we call it either a pipe or a bong over here.

I'm in London so its the big pond I'm across ;-)

back to the topic... norml.org will show you your state laws and you can find attorneys.

First offense in florida for minor offenses is usually defferd to the drug courts, where probation is assigned and charges dropped following probation. You can also have one charge expunged from your record in your life.

Depending on where u live in Florida i could reccomend someone for legal advice, feel free to PM.

- I am speaking from personal experience.