Positronics Seeds Critical #47


Active Member
Has anyone grown out Critical #47 by Positronics Seeds? Did it yield high? How was the smoke? Did it repond well to topping? Did it get short?

Any info on this strain from growers would be appreciated


Active Member
i got one on the way as well, freebie. this is my first time hearing about these people, lets see what they're about.


Well-Known Member
Dude they yeild crazy big like the Critical+ but more frostyer and a bit more sweeter from the AK but yea Posi is the shit for Critical stuff


Active Member
well thats got me excited af!!!! lol. my very last grow had to be scrapped cuz helicopters started hovering over my pops house. i moved though and this grow im going to keep it simple. 2 plants (GHS Super Lemon Haze, and the #47 freebie). Scrog, and with LEDs this time, Im tired of all the heat issues with mh and hps lights, plus NO HEAT SIGNATURE!!! AHHHHHH!


Well-Known Member
I just got a frem freebie too, sprouted last night and has already grown about an inch in day 1. From what I read, it should be a good one.