Poor man's ultra economic cfl bagseed grow .feedback needed


Active Member
Hello ppl at RIU ...as the title goes..this grow is ultra-economic a simple layman's grow...because im tied for cash and grow utilities...also im no grow pro and dont have access to growing accessories like a ph pen or say hi-fi nutes ,rooting hormones etc...
2 plants .these are bagseed and the plants are roughly 1 & 1/2 to 2 weeks old..Photos added !!
16-18hrs lighting
(18 + 23 watt) CFL(cool daylight)...Very poor lighting !!....The plants also get natural sunlight generally from sunrise till noon (when the sun gets very hot)...

im using a soil with some nutes..
maybe that is why there are slight leaf burns..i guess ..photo added

Packaged drinking water...

Do my plants look OK as of now(i knw im acting like an over-curious Newb)
I would appreciate any comments or feedback of my grow so that i can successfully grow the palnts and harvest them(if females)!!

thanks !! :weed:



Illegal Smile

They look ok as of now but as you know, not enough light. Maximize the sunlight.


Well-Known Member
no need to transplant yet.

dont use any nutes or ferts yet either

how often do you water? you know the finger test?


Active Member
First and foremost THANKS to all of u who took the time and effort to reply !!! :-)

ILLEGAL SMILE - Thanks and i'm adding lights pretty soon..most likely a nice warm light cfl ...and since the plants are a bit used to and old enough..i think ill increase its sessions in the sun....

MINNESTONER - Thanks man ...the problem is i my medium already has the nutrients..maybe the slight yellowing is because of that ..do you have any suggestions...i wont use any more nutes though... now...

MOASH - i'm using 4 & 1/2 inch deep containers ...wont that be suffiecient as of now..im tied for space too ..do u have any suggestion ..and thanks a ton for your help

KALEOXXX - My medium already has some nutes ..i put a percentage distribution picture of the medium already...will that be too much for my plant??.. I really dont know what to do ...thank u for ur help already..just help me out further...should i flush n all......i try to be carefull about watering ..yes i am aware of the finger rule...i let my medium dry out not completely ..but atleast the top half and wait for the pot to lighten up...i mist the foliage very little when im waiting for the soil to dry up...

and i hope i dont have to transplant right now ..im tied up for space..plus i wanted to form a nice root ball or system and then transplant ...are there alternatives ???


Well-Known Member
well welcome and im a poor man grower myself but we do allrite

as for the medium having nutes you wont need any added nutes for a while

the containers are fine for a lil bit longer but defenintly will have to transplant maybe 1 gal to buy you a lil time till u get to 3gal
but there are some guys growing in 16oz beer pong cups crazy i kno lol

the lights are a must tho and you already kno that lol i got mine at lowes and walmart
a 6 pack of 26w for bout 11 bucks and at lowes 2 68w 2700K 14 a peice I also built a hood for those two also

and the outdoor light is great so use that all you can jus watch out for heat stress

peace bro


Active Member
hey man ..thank you so much...i checked out your plants....awesome for 56watts...this is what i was hoping on ...Thank you again ...this is goin to be a an inspiration for my mission.....:-)


Well-Known Member
Hey man, neah your not a over worried noob, most noobs worry about everything, I'm a noob I worry non stop.

When they are young they need no nutes at all.
I dont think you have a light issue, wondering more like ph issue, being strapped for cash sucks and it really sucks trying to grow without any, it's really not a cheap undertaking...
a ph meter would pay for itself,
I use CFL's and I use as many as possible and Ive never had a over light issue, not saying you cant have too much light, but it's pretty doubtful with only those 2 bulbs.


Active Member
hey phenom 420 ...thanks man..ill surely invest in some lights..i was planning to upgrade onlights a bit as they grow...i also try to compensate with nice sunlight for them


Well-Known Member
id jus keep em here and when its done either copy and paste a grow journal or ask a mod really nicely to move it haha but from the title it could be a grow journal


Well-Known Member
Hey man
yeah keep it here, you already got attention.
Yeah more and more lights, you can check out my threads or albums for cfl ideas.
I use those 300/68w ones they are killer.