Pond Fogger and Aeroponics

Within an Aeroponic system I have been reading about how some people have gotten amazing results using a pond fogger to distribute water and nutrients to suspended roots.

I have an idea how I want to build my next system.

Essentially taking Stinkbuds method of a pound every three weeks removing all of the pipes and misters and instead using a pond fogger with an air stone for good measure.

I have 4 Questions.

1. What do you think about this method?

It would eliminate the need for all the pipes and sprayers. 2. Are there any other positives to this method? 3. Has anyone else tried something like this?

I have also heard that these foggers get clogged if you don't get the right brand. 4. Does anyone else know any additional negatives?


I read that the very fine water particles produced by ultrasonic misters promote excessive root hair growth, which stifles the growth of the tap roots.

The root hairs are what suck up most of the nutes/water. but if you dont have enough tap root you dont have enough area for the hair to grow on.

So i guess establish a nice long root system first using pressure misters or DWC, and then switch to ultrasonic once its established to get it all super hairy. Should say I have ZERO experience in any of it lol.


Well-Known Member
i used stinkbuds system, and it worked real well. i dont know about the misters, but gammaz makes a good point.

i changed around his [stinkbud] plans a little to use the standard rainbird water sprayers, as they were all i had access to. works like a charm tho.