Police kill innocent pastor


Well-Known Member
That was clearly murder. He was a fleeing suspect. The cops were in plain clothes and he just barely bumped one as he tried to flee to safety. In no way shape or form was he attempting to run over the cops - he was fleeing in self defense from plain clothed assailants.

That is why the 5th amendment gives us the right to defend against all enemies both foreign and domestic. Many cops these days act more like domestic terrorists than cops. If they keep it up we are going to have citizens hunting them like rats in the ghetto.


Well-Known Member
That was clearly murder. He was a fleeing suspect. The cops were in plain clothes and he just barely bumped one as he tried to flee to safety. In no way shape or form was he attempting to run over the cops - he was fleeing in self defense from plain clothed assailants.

That is why the 2nd amendment gives us the right to defend against all enemies both foreign and domestic. Many cops these days act more like domestic terrorists than cops. If they keep it up we are going to have citizens hunting them like rats in the ghetto.
I meant 2nd amendment - sorry.