Police chopperssensing heat


Well-Known Member
i saw the wiki entry on that but i had read in a few other places that thermal and IR were different... i'll see if i can get the links....

as for the heat sig, i was reading about the wave lengths and i decided to ask my connect to law enforcement, he actually told me that (like what you said) it's hard to use only flir to locate the plants, they said the best thing is just flying low and looking for cleared patches in the forest, if they see something suspicious they fly by a few times, and according to him MJ is much more "glossy" than a lot of indigenous plants, and it stands out pretty well, so thats how they usually find it. they also look for beaten down paths in the woods where there's been a lot of foot or offroad vehicle traffic, either way it sucks for growers, but luckily unless you have 100+ plants, its only local and state cops you gotta worry about, feds dont really care bout small ops...and locals dont really care about busting people as much as incinerating crops, so it sucks but most people probably wont get busted by a chopper unless they really try hard to screw themselves.