plz i really need your opinion


Well-Known Member
hey ive been smoking for around 1 1/2 years almost every day and never really had sleeping problems but for the past few weeks ive
never really gotten any sleep.

the past 2 weeks i havn't been able to get any sleep.
I can lie down and rest and dont feel too tired the next morning, but im awake ALL night never falling asleep.

its really annoying me now and i never thought id consider giving up well i mean cut down a lot maybe only twice or three times a week have a smoke.

anyone encounter this, any tips or suggestions

if i have to choose between getting high and falling asleep il pick falling asleep. i feel so sorry for people with insomnia it must be terrible.


Active Member
this solution never fails
get yourself bussy
if you dont have a job, get one
work on ur yard
take ur dolg for walks
practice sports
plan a house project or something and get it done

it works.


Well-Known Member
Yea insomnia does suck I used to stay up all night.But how I got over it was I stayed up all night once and threw out the whole day and just passed out around 10:30 the next night and that put me back on a normal sleeping pattern.


Active Member
Have you change the kind of weed you are smoking? If you are smoking a sitiva that could be it.. that stuff will keep me awake all night.. find a heavy indica and have sweet dreams


Well-Known Member
yea man...sativas do NOT help me sleep at all. if anything they keep me up. so if all i have is sativa and i want to sleep, i take something to help me sleep, as i cant just give up the mary jane. usually nyquil will do the trick :D


Well-Known Member
yea it could b a number of things other than smoking that is keeping you up. but i have insomnia i sleep maybe 1 or 2 hours a night if im lucky, sometimes ill stay up 2 or 3 days straight n still not feel tired. weed makes me fall asleep everynight and iv been smoking for 5 years everyday. i have to smoke alot to even feel a buzz, but i hit my gravity bong about 8-15 times at night n ill pass the FUCK out ina bout an hour lol maybe try to get REALLY high befor you lay down, or stay busy all day and dont smoke for like 6 or 7 hours befor planning on laying down. i started growing to give myself something to do all day cuz i dont go to school or work or ne thing.


bud bootlegger
i also agree with doing some kind of physical activity during the day to tire out the body or mind.. also reading in bed or right before bedtime is a good way to put yourself out..
drink some warm milk before bed, no joke.. and stay away from hot and spicey foods right before going to bed, or around two or so hours before hand.. what you are eating can play a crazy role on your sleep patterns.. google foods that help you sleep, you will be amazed at some of the info that you will find..
i also was wondering the same thing about switching strains lately.. maybe you were smoking a nice indica before, but have now switched to a sativa, which tends to keep most people awake. i would say find a nice heavy indica dom strain, and smoke an hour or so before bedtime, it should help you out.
i wish you the best of luck though as lack of sleep can be hard on ones body and mind..


Well-Known Member
after a long period of smoking everyday you will realize alot of things your body does differently. sleeping patterns, awareness,memory, even your taste buds will change on some people.


Well-Known Member
no man i had some speed a while ago not really my drug still got it though dunno what to do with it. i have a feeling il sleep tonight. i hope =)

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
after a long period of smoking everyday you will realize alot of things your body does differently. sleeping patterns, awareness,memory, even your taste buds will change on some people.
Yep, i feel my sence of smell has depleted since ive started smoking

Is there somthing stressful goin on in your life right now? Even if you are smoking a sativa your still gona be burnt out after the high. These past two weeks somthing had to of happen that caused this.