please please help, 3rd grow going down the drain


Well-Known Member

  • Originally Posted by VICTORYGARDENSHYDRO
    not the stuff you removed from the water.

Spoken like a dude working in a hydro store :)
spliff, some of this advice sounds pretty bunk.

You don't need to go buy cal/mag or put epsom salt in there either.
When mixing your res you can add 10 or 20% tap water to the mix.
Your nute levels are low for that size plant. I run low ppm myself, but I go .7 to .8 EC for plants that size in veg.
If your girls are eating well, you'll want to frequently change the rez. When running low ppm your rez can run short of nutes pretty quick, so top off to .8 ec and 5.8ish daily.

quit using anything with the word zyme in it. Chlorine and chloramine are not that evil, I add both to my rez. (tap water and Zone)
I guess at this stage it's worth bumping up one of the buckets to .8, they is dying anyways so it can't hurt, just all looked like fert burn to me, hence why I backed off the nutes, and the fact they stopped using the nutes about a week ago. If anything I'd say the ec went up a couple of 10ths in the last 24 hours.

I did (think I didn't mention it earlier) add 2 litres of tap water to 2 buckets, but no difference to these. With everything else environment etc. dialed in I can't see it being anything else but too low fert. anybody any ideas, would that cause these problems?
does it say it replaces what you removed with your r/o unit?? Doubt it, it might have some in there, but they don't figure in that your using r/o water.
No they don't, I'd have thought it about time one of these companies woke up and brought out a product for RO water.... how much simpler rez changes would be.


Well-Known Member
almost all of the calcium and magnesium in tap water is in the form of carbonate, and unavailable to the plants. Ionic does not list all of their nutes (they don't have to) but they declare it to be complete. You can be sure it has NPK ca, mg, su and most of the micros. they might be missing nickel, boron or chlorine.

It seems to help to have some carbonates in the nute solution, they are empty ppm's
I reset 1 tub with 2l tap water and 10l RO and set the nute strength to 0.8ec ph 5.5 (it will drift up overnight).

BUT......I also added 5ml of h202 (oxy plus) to each bucket (amount it said on the bottle), just thought it might all be related to some nasties in the root zone, although there;s no evidence of slime and roots are nice and white. Anyways went back into the grow room 20 minutes later and pretty much half of the plants were laying on the deck wilted. Haven't been back since too f. depressed about it to look, guess I'll have to brave it soon or I won't be sleeping tonight.


Well-Known Member
OOOOHHHHH here is what i think...since i gave up hydro because of this happening to me a few times...If you want to save these plants and are tired of checking and rechecking, and unchecking...go out a buy a bag of Fox Farms Ocean Soil, and then figure the ph of your tap water and if it is close to 7 then just use it with nothing added...Putting them in soil now would get them going, and give you time to fiure all the hudro stuff is tough...and every plant is different., Some people on here make it look so easy, but they don't give any useful tips when your garden is lying in ruin...Anyway it isn't that go grab some soil---Fox Farms Roots Organics, Some good quality organic potting soil all you have to do is water is hard to get wrong...and you can build your confidence and abilities back up. True story...I had 4 doing this same thing because something at some point haywire...a piece of lint fell in a bucket and turned into microscopic encephalitis...I don't know,b ut some shit would happen and everything would this *snaps fingers*! Anyway I had 4 doing this same thing in after trying for a year to do this and getting weirdo little stuntling half dead plants I gave up...went and bought some soil and some nursery pots---all plant nurseries carry good quality soils, and will usually give you a few nursery pots if you inquire to buy some...anyway I took these 4 mostly dead plants, 2 were around 3 weeks to a month of veg, and the other 2 were 5 weeks flower...I started with 1 feminized seed so I couldn't just say eff I took all of them except the largest one that was just too far gone...and I stuck them in the soil...if I couldn't get them out of their net pots I stuck it in there too and just buried it all...watered them and in 2 weeks the ones that had been vegging weren't even recognizable as being the same plants....they had leaves and looked good...the one that remained from 5 weeks flowering looked crazy cuz then it had to reveg...and now it is almost ready to harvest and has been successfully cloned and everything keeps on keeping garden looks great! It isn't depressing like it used to be..instead of feeling like a failure I feel very successful in my recent endeavors..and since everything has been looking nice I felt confident enough to get some new seeds, and am getting ready to harvest one of the new plants as well... So, If you really want to save them and are tired of cominginand finding everything dead then make that easy leap to soil.


Well-Known Member
Oh, Oh, never use the recommended dose of anything...always use less. I use like 1/4 of what they say on the back of any bottle...soemtimes an 1/ calls for a teaspoon and I just stick a dropper in and back Safer that can always add more, but can't always take out too much...cuz in hydro it is too late fast! Soil everything creeps up on you...but if you enjoy just staring at your plants you will always know when something is getting ready to think about going wrong...then again if there is an issue you have to wait a couple days in between before you know if you fixed it...---but hey, hydro is so uptight it doesn't give you a few days to figure it soil does...SOIL SOIL SOIL...OI! OI! OI!
Hey all,

Just been in there, well they weren't any worse so i sprayed them with plain ro water, 5 mins later they picked their lazy arses off the top of the buckets, so since I added the h202 they ain't drinking through the roots, all seems to point to a root problem/disease of some kind. Like I said before wierd 'cos all the roots are loverly and white, no snot anywhere, although I did feel a slight coating on the airtube leading to the airstone.

Would h202 react that much to starve the roots of water whilst world war 3 goes on down there? Buggered if I know but am feeling a little more optimistic that at least I might have a handle on the problem. Even if it doesn't solve the prob it's a lesson learnt.

So I'm hoping the h202 kills off whatever is causing the plant problems and everything returns to normal (if there is a normal).

Sound like a plan?