Please i need some help now!!


Active Member
6'0 180lb muscular guy who smokes an 0z of mids or schwagg a month has been clean for 10 days and has a drug test tomorrow. If a Detox drink is used as well as the dillution method should he pass? PLEASE HELP!


Well-Known Member
Thats a tough one.
I got clean in 2 weeks but im smaller then you im like 5'11 140lb an all I did was drink a shitload of water an cranberry juice.
I never used a detox drink.
Good luck.


Well-Known Member
thc sticks to fat cell so as long as you are muscular!....drink MUCH WATER!!!! 10 DAYS youre good!! no worry!!!


Well-Known Member
im 175 and about 12% body fat and smoke the night before!!! youre good man!!! just drink a good amount of water!! vinegar and apple juice is the best formula


Active Member
Thanks, be real with me man, I need to know for real...have you done what you say and it was cool?


Well-Known Member
is it for a job or for a probation/parole person? the officers make it harder to beat their tests than a job related one at the local clinic.